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JudasIscariot: RE: Armello

The latest update literally just arrived to us so I hope we'll be able to get it out before the weekend for everyone :)
Yay thanks! It's good my list is shrinking. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on them, though.
Armello going to be updated, hmm so that's good news. I'll keep tracking this game, hopefully these devs will prove more friendly than the Hand of Fate ones.

As if hoping that a specific game comes here wasn't enough, now we even have to watch out for games that might be abandoned.

Maybe GOG could change CDPR to Sprocket and GOG to Gas, people would be like: Have you heard about Sprocket releasing Medium-Life on Gas?.........Ok I'm tired time to sleep :-)
Ganni1987: Armello going to be updated, hmm so that's good news. I'll keep tracking this game, hopefully these devs will prove more friendly than the Hand of Fate ones.

As if hoping that a specific game comes here wasn't enough, now we even have to watch out for games that might be abandoned.

Maybe GOG could change CDPR to Sprocket and GOG to Gas, people would be like: Have you heard about Sprocket releasing Medium-Life on Gas?.........Ok I'm tired time to sleep :-)
Armello is updated as of 5 minutes ago. No patches, only installers. That's due to the large amount of changes made to the game :)
Ganni1987: Armello going to be updated, hmm so that's good news. I'll keep tracking this game, hopefully these devs will prove more friendly than the Hand of Fate ones.

As if hoping that a specific game comes here wasn't enough, now we even have to watch out for games that might be abandoned.

Maybe GOG could change CDPR to Sprocket and GOG to Gas, people would be like: Have you heard about Sprocket releasing Medium-Life on Gas?.........Ok I'm tired time to sleep :-)
JudasIscariot: Armello is updated as of 5 minutes ago. No patches, only installers. That's due to the large amount of changes made to the game :)
Thank you :-)

@ Regarding Hammerwatch:

I spoke with the dev via email yesterday, particularly regarding the Linux version since (it's older than the Windows one) and it even lacks the expansion, he also mentioned that he received a few other emails regarding the GOG version, so thank you whoever it was. He's going to look into it.
Post edited November 20, 2015 by Ganni1987
hyperagathon: Lovely Planet is ver 1.31, but the latest (on Steam) is 1.41, released on Jan 10, 2015.
budejovice: And I believe the dev himself has called GOG's version "an inferior build". (He also won't release his mac build to GOG.)
Why would the GOG version be an inferior build? Is he not smoking anything?
It appears Hand of Fate got some sort of attention:

budejovice: And I believe the dev himself has called GOG's version "an inferior build". (He also won't release his mac build to GOG.)
PookaMustard: Why would the GOG version be an inferior build? Is he not smoking anything?
Dev's choice to not update here. No idea why. Just hates people who use GOG I guess. ;)
Surprisingly, Hand of Fate has just been updated. The DLC still isn't here, but a new free update that came out on Steam a few days ago is. So at least there's that.
Marioface5: Surprisingly, Hand of Fate has just been updated. The DLC still isn't here, but a new free update that came out on Steam a few days ago is. So at least there's that.
I'm surprised by this, if they release the DLC now, I'd have an excuse to buy it.
Post edited November 20, 2015 by Ganni1987
Very good thread, presumably helping Judas and co. remember forgotten things. :)
Marioface5: Surprisingly, Hand of Fate has just been updated. The DLC still isn't here, but a new free update that came out on Steam a few days ago is. So at least there's that.
Maybe because I put their capacity to support multiple platforms into question, because they decided to load that gun for me? Who knows. After over half a year, I'm still not impressed with the missing DLC. Well, the DLC was released before the murder at sea update so it's even further than that.
budejovice: And I believe the dev himself has called GOG's version "an inferior build". (He also won't release his mac build to GOG.)
PookaMustard: Why would the GOG version be an inferior build? Is he not smoking anything?
Since I'm the person who nominated the game for that particular GOGMix, I feel obliged to quote the relevant part of the email I got in response to asking about DRM-free builds:

The GoG release of the game offers DRM free versions on Windows and Linux only and since that version still
remains inferior to the Steam edition of the game which sports leaderboards, we chose to not include.
At the time, Galaxy was still under the wraps, but now there really is no excuse - and I do mean *excuse* as opposed to valid reason - for not including that last patch. As is plain from the changelog, it has nothing to do with Steam-specific features anyway, and Galaxy resolves any "inferiority" concerns they may have had.
hyperagathon: Since I'm the person who nominated the game for that particular GOGMix, I feel obliged to quote the relevant part of the email I got in response to asking about DRM-free builds:

The GoG release of the game offers DRM free versions on Windows and Linux only and since that version still
remains inferior to the Steam edition of the game which sports leaderboards, we chose to not include.
hyperagathon: At the time, Galaxy was still under the wraps, but now there really is no excuse - and I do mean *excuse* as opposed to valid reason - for not including that last patch. As is plain from the changelog, it has nothing to do with Steam-specific features anyway, and Galaxy resolves any "inferiority" concerns they may have had.
So LEADERBOARDS in the Steam version of the game makes the GOG version inferior? Oh my! The devs really are smoking, so badly. And judging by the game's graphics (which I admit is just a shallow view of the whole ordeal, but still), getting the options to have a Name option and then making a simple leaderboards server should be of no trouble... and yes, Galaxy can help the dev in that. But he's acting like a dick, so why give him money?

If the platform you're going to release your game on is inferior, just don't release it at all. He decided to release on the 'inferior' platform, and then complain that its inferior after he made commitment... that irks me a lot.
Post edited November 21, 2015 by PookaMustard
PookaMustard: Why would the GOG version be an inferior build? Is he not smoking anything?
hyperagathon: Since I'm the person who nominated the game for that particular GOGMix, I feel obliged to quote the relevant part of the email I got in response to asking about DRM-free builds:

The GoG release of the game offers DRM free versions on Windows and Linux only and since that version still
remains inferior to the Steam edition of the game which sports leaderboards, we chose to not include.
hyperagathon: At the time, Galaxy was still under the wraps, but now there really is no excuse - and I do mean *excuse* as opposed to valid reason - for not including that last patch. As is plain from the changelog, it has nothing to do with Steam-specific features anyway, and Galaxy resolves any "inferiority" concerns they may have had.
Can you share the email address you sent your message to? I like to think that if they receive enough complaints, they might eventually update it.
Ganni1987: Can you share the email address you sent your message to? I like to think that if they receive enough complaints, they might eventually update it.
I first sent it to vidhvat at quicktequila dot com, and then re-sent three days later to support at same address. The reply came from the first one (soon after resending), and stated that the original message was received, therefore either should be fine.
Post edited November 22, 2015 by hyperagathon
Star Ruler 2 installer is still version 1.01 where as the latest is . Game comes with it's own updater so we can get the patches thru it but [url=]it doesn't work for everyone and having to rely it is against the very idea of GOG.

I know the studio is having financial difficulties and it's almost certain they'll have to close sometimes after expansion is finished so it's hardly their highest priority but I do hope GOG installers will be updated to latest builds eventually (maybe by the time the expansion comes out) especially as they'll have to close the update servers eventually.
Post edited November 22, 2015 by Petrell