ussnorway: 11 should be out today... perhaps you noticed Facebook crashing as skynet took over ;)
anyway yes Windows 11 is forcing Virtual environments by default so there will not be any advantage to running actual hardware instead of inside a host & Windows 10 users will also start to see more older software getting blocked from using runtime files as a way to force upgrades of exe files... which of course wants W11 soon i.e, gamers on old systems can get fucked basically but old games should run under W11 (
using extra Ram and Cpu which is not always a bad thing)
I saw the articles on that. My understanding is that those settings will be pre-configured to be "on" in new, OEM machines (i.e. pre-built laptops and possibly desktops). If you've built your own machine or are upgrading an existing PC to Windows 11, those setting won't be activated by default. It's also possible to change the settings, but as it's not really been seen in the wild yet, it's hard to tell how difficult it will be to do.
Anyway, it looks like it started rolling out yesterday in NZ, so with the official release today, we should start to get real world information (and faster bug reports and fixes)