nightcraw1er.488: Wow, a whole 3 days before someone posted “Linux is just so much better than everything” ;o)
Can't deny the facts! ;^P And my main critique was towards these Windows 11 articles, more than Windows 11 itself. For the record, I similarly dismiss Linux articles about what new features some new desktop environment like a new version of GNOME has. I don't really care, as long as it is still usable and doesn't get into my way too much, and isn't a total resource hog for no good reason.
Every little GUI change Microsoft does gets an "Oooh! Look! Rounded icons! Different Windows start sound! Now the taskbar is centered by default! The files have a two pixels wider spacing in File Explorer!", and I am like "WTF? Can't people just freely choose such GUI features?".
It is like at work someone would go "Oooh! You have different color of socks today, than yesterday!".
At least you can still change the desktop wallpaper... maybe it will also become a locked feature that changes in each new Windows release, just so that those articles can write about a new wallpaper in a new Windows release.
As said, I would be much more impressed if MS released e.g. NTFS2, a more robust version of NTFS with features like checksumming (yes please!). Maybe grannies don't need software RAIDs or data deduplication and such, but some advanced users would still like to use them too, especially when setting up a server.
Does someone have a list of Windows 11 changes that are NOT related directly to the GUI (how it looks and behaves and sounds)?
EDIT: To appease all the Windows fans and to show I don't think Linux is better at absolutely everything, adding more free space to a partition, especially without a reboot, is easier and simpler in Windows (NTFS) than in Linux (e.g. ext4 or xfs with LVM). At least at work when some client asks to add some hard drive space to some partition, any of my colleagues can do it on Windows. But when some Linux server needs the same, they ask me to do it because they are afraid of doing it and find it too complicated...