Not surprising, outside the internet Windows 10 is probably going to do fine, but the pissed off crowd will make their voice heard on the internet so it looks worse than it is.
Similar things happened all the way back when Windows 95 came out. People vowed and swore up and down they'd never get Windows 95, instead choosing to stay on DOS. It's the MS hate cycle.
Though with Vista, and early on with Windows 10, I'd say it was somewhat justified. I was lucky enough to not have programs vanish, black screens, blue screens, and other non-sense when I installed 10. I told the OS to not use an MS account, set up a simple local account, which in one swift move shuts off a lot of data collecting going on, then I deep searched for anything else it might be doing to mine data. It took like, 15-20 minutes and I was set.
Early on I thought my GPU drivers were not working right because of Windows 10, but that turned out to just be AMD's fault. Ah, the wonders of PC gaming :)
neurasthenya: Black Screen, crashes and incompatibilities are just Windows things at this point. :p
Yep, ever since Windows 95. Anybody remember how often Windows 98 would blue screen you? I remember back when I would mod and tinker with Half-Life all day and that fucking OS would blue screen constantly at the slightest offense. I could sneeze wrong and it would BOD me. Unstable POS :p