01kipper: Every summer we go to my parent's cabin on Hornby Island, my favourite thing to do there is go down to the beach at low tide and look at all the intertidal animals (sea urchins, sea stars, sea cucumbers, sand dollars, sucker fish, sculpins, etc.) with my wife & son.
I'm in for
SiN Gold! Thank you, GameRager :).
Entered...also yes the beach can be nice. :)
MaxFulvus: Sweet GA, thanks GameRager :)
I'm in for The Suffering : Ties That Bind as I kept my saves from the first game to begin the second game with the same morality system. Also, I recently read that the late Michael Clarke Duncan dubbed a character in the sequel, so as a fan of this actor, I will play it immediately !
In Summer, I simply like to read in my garden, during sunny days.
Yes, the first game was great and the second(what I played) was also good....be aware though that the game has a few bugs on some systems where you can't progress because the cutscenes/etc won't trigger the next area to allow you to continue.....it's still good though as a game.
Entered and GL to you as well.
TentacleMayor: I'm in for Shadowrun: Hong Hong - Extended Edition. Honestly, I spend my free time gaming and gorging. Summertime in particular can go rot, I'm not getting through it without air conditioning.
And yer entered........