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With one of the new rtx enabled games in the pocket i found myself tearing my pc up and down to find the right settings

I tried directx 11 ( surprisingly on ultra 1080p 60 hz the card still had almost a full load )
I tried directx 12 ( for the first time had visible what dx 12 brings to the table not to mention the rtx gadgets )
I tried directx 12 with DLSS enabled ( horrible but functional for the average gaming joe, look i have a job kids, a wife and 2 kittens you know what i mean )
Then i discovered all these presets on the geforce experience for tuning the game which seemed all work a lot better then manually adressing settings from the game menu. Quality DLSS and performance DLSS uhu, try to find that setting somewhere
In the end i ended up with using the DLSS, graphics settings almost on quality ( quality DLSS is part of this setting ) step 18 out of 20 i belief and...... asking for a 8% + in image sharpening which made the game look like its actually from this era ( that is, if you don't count in these ridicilous light settings )
Sure the technique will be mainstream in a couple of years, sure you can rely on mod makers to help you out, as they do in so many other games and sure you can buy the new PS5 but with Moore's law being anything but dead, at least not in the next 20 years or so counting in main stream techniques venture about 20 years behind the specialized sector i belief pc gaming will only be restricted to the happy few leaving most in the hands of 8 year old beta kings doing stuff just because they can and that my dear friend can't be right now can it?

How hard would it be to just add some specialized eco function to all of these game that sets the game with one push of the button in economy mode?
So what was the question again? Was it:

1. "When do we get these systems where the game sets suitable options on and off based on how fast your PC is?"

We have that already, many games set suitable options automatically (e.g. recently I recall seeing this in GTA IV and V), and you yourself mentioned Geforce Experience offering that option. So... what was the problem again? No problem?

2. Some question about "eco function"... What does that mean, "eco function", and why should I care? What are you trying to achieve with an "eco function"? You are not one of those green party environmentalists, are you? Climate change and blaa blaa blaa?
Post edited May 20, 2020 by timppu
I think DLSS (and Reshade) looks terrible, but lots of people love that kind of sharpened and processed look. Same thing happens with movie remasters, often they add a lot of sharpening or smooth out the grain and some people hate it and some people love it. Some major graphics focused websites like Digital Foundry and Hardware Unboxed have heaped praise on DLSS, and it just makes no sense to me, but it's not surprising.

As for the future of gaming... yes, it is. On consoles at least, and probably PC too. Everyone keeps saying it's the "post-resolution era." Kind of like how MSAA was ditched, and now games are so built around TAA they often don't even let you turn it off, I think games being built around DLSS or other post-processing methods of resolution enhancement is coming pretty quickly. Consoles already rarely output a native resolution, even the high-end Xbox One X usually doesn't render native 4k and when it does it's 30fps (and often unstable). As they push ray tracing and other such things I only expect this to be more the case. That Unreal PS5 demo thing being 1440p and 30fps, without ray tracing or normal video game considerations, is very telling.

Hopefully on PC they still allow you to control resolution yourself, but I think games will be built with so many ray tracing style effects inherent to the image that it'll be impossible to run them at native res at launch.
I thought this would be a topic about Stadia or other game streaming services, but now... I'm not sure what this is all about. If it's DLSS 2.0 we're talking about here, yeah, it might be nice trick to play 1440p natively rendered stuff on a 4K monitor, but IMHO it's still a trick.
RTX is garbage right now. It was released years before it was actually ready for prime-time. It's basically a scam at this point.

It will probably be improved and eventually become good in future GPU generations. But we won't know how many generations that will take until actual real-world tests from professional reviewers and end-users eventually prove that it's become good.
Post edited May 20, 2020 by Ancient-Red-Dragon
I think it's great that you take care of your family (assuming you really do), but based on what you've written, perhaps PC just isn't for you as it has too many customizable options. With a PlayStation you can have more time to your family...
Radiance1979: How hard would it be to just add some specialized eco function to all of these game that sets the game with one push of the button in economy mode?
Is is been implemented, like 20 years ago?
Its called Low Settings and V-Sync, well that's usually 2 separate buttons but guess what, it really works...
Ancient-Red-Dragon: RTX is garbage right now. It was released years before it was actually ready for prime-time. It's basically a scam at this point.
To be fair nVidia partnered ray tracing with DLSS and pretty much said from the beginning they were a pairing. My 2070 can run Control with full ray tracing at 60fps if I use DLSS. I think DLSS looks like crap, so I turn off both, but I think the "nVidia sold us ray tracing cards that can't do ray tracing" line is misleading. They said from the beginning DLSS was a part of the equation.

Hopefully the 3080 or whatever its called will run those games without DLSS, but... I think it's more likely ray tracing advances more and DLSS becomes the norm, sadly.
timppu: 2. Some question about "eco function"... What does that mean, "eco function", and why should I care? What are you trying to achieve with an "eco function"? You are not one of those green party environmentalists, are you? Climate change and blaa blaa blaa?
Did you finish reading that sentence? He meant economy, not ecology.
(I know, bad English!)
Radiance1979: With one of the new rtx enabled games in the pocket i found myself tearing my pc up and down to find the right settings
RTX is the least optimised feature for gaming in existence. Performance will increase literally 10x fold by disabling it. As Ancient Red Dragon said, it was and still is too early for mainstream.
Radiance1979: How hard would it be to just add some specialized eco function to all of these game that sets the game with one push of the button in economy mode?
That's already in some games. Eg, Torchlight's "Netbook Mode". Consoles generally have "optimised for hardware" by default. And for PC games in general, Med / High preset is typically where you start to see actual optimization with Ultra being more like "let's see how much cr*p we can bog this down with to impress the epeen crowd" (like Skyrim's default dumb "Ultra = 8x MSAA + FXAA combined" preset...)
i just counted 46 steps between performance and quality on nvidia's geforce experience custom game settings, 46 steps all offering less load on your gpu then the previous one and the worse part is, literally none offers a setting without DLSS, this is why i am sad, not only for the greenhouse we are turning this earth into because once we dealt with green electricity the only thing left is heat redundancy ( lets build more serverfarms on the northpole and act surprised if weather changes ever more for the worse faster then we can predict ) and that will turn itself out but for the gamers, the gamer that is oblivious, the gamer that gamed all his life and suddenly is faced with covid-19, lost his job, his wife in the infirmary....... 600 w/h machines times all the gamers is just insane ... but... that was actually not what this post is about
"i belief pc gaming will only be restricted to the happy few leaving most in the hands of 8 year old beta kings doing stuff just because they can and that my dear friend can't be right now can it?"

It's a nice thought but PC gaming has been dragged down into the dirt ever since consoles became PC like and it's not going to stop especially since the buzzword is crossplay and multiplatform which hinders things even further. Possibly services like Stadia may fix that but then you'd be stuck with Online gaming, bleh.

RTX is basically a beta and people were foolish into to get caught into it. The difference between Ultra settings and high settings is barely noticeable. Those of us who built their computers so we can set and forget it on Ultra never have an issue. Those who don't care to keep up with it but still want to use Ultra and the highest resolutions do.

I'm still here with my 6700k and 1080ti and playing all of the latest games at 2560x1440 at the highest settings with a machine I built back in 2016 except for the 1080ti I upgraded to, obviously no beta RTX so I'm good.

My criteria for buying an RTX game:
Is it Denuvo free?
Then don't buy.
Is it a game I want?
Then don't buy.
Does it run at 2560x1440 with everything enabled with the latest and greatest hardware >60fps?
Then don't buy and wait until the hardware is fast enough for the poorly optimized software
Buy it.

The amount of RTX games without denuvo that I'm interested in is incredibly small so until that changes I'm not missing anything.

Sadly most people only see a new game and buy it without any thought. I don't pity the fool, they deserve what they get.
Radiance1979: i just counted 46 steps between performance and quality on nvidia's geforce experience custom game settings, 46 steps all offering less load on your gpu then the previous one and the worse part is, literally none offers a setting without DLSS, this is why i am sad, not only for the greenhouse we are turning this earth into because once we dealt with green electricity the only thing left is heat redundancy ( lets build more serverfarms on the northpole and act surprised if weather changes ever more for the worse faster then we can predict ) and that will turn itself out but for the gamers, the gamer that is oblivious, the gamer that gamed all his life and suddenly is faced with covid-19, lost his job, his wife in the infirmary....... 600 w/h machines times all the gamers is just insane ... but... that was actually not what this post is about
You've posted in the wrong place... this is GOG, not Facebook.
DosFreak: "i belief pc gaming will only be restricted to the happy few leaving most in the hands of 8 year old beta kings doing stuff just because they can and that my dear friend can't be right now can it?"

It's a nice thought but PC gaming has been dragged down into the dirt ever since consoles became PC like and it's not going to stop especially since the buzzword is crossplay and multiplatform which hinders things even further. Possibly services like Stadia may fix that but then you'd be stuck with Online gaming, bleh.

RTX is basically a beta and people were foolish into to get caught into it. The difference between Ultra settings and high settings is barely noticeable. Those of us who built their computers so we can set and forget it on Ultra never have an issue. Those who don't care to keep up with it but still want to use Ultra and the highest resolutions do.

I'm still here with my 6700k and 1080ti and playing all of the latest games at 2560x1440 at the highest settings with a machine I built back in 2016 except for the 1080ti I upgraded to, obviously no beta RTX so I'm good.

My criteria for buying an RTX game:
Is it Denuvo free?
Then don't buy.
Is it a game I want?
Then don't buy.
Does it run at 2560x1440 with everything enabled with the latest and greatest hardware >60fps?
Then don't buy and wait until the hardware is fast enough for the poorly optimized software
Buy it.

The amount of RTX games without denuvo that I'm interested in is incredibly small so until that changes I'm not missing anything.

Sadly most people only see a new game and buy it without any thought. I don't pity the fool, they deserve what they get.
Don't get me wrong about the game its self... i'm enjoying my a off with how the levels are build, the intricate lightplay, the sometimes confusement one becomes when observing reflections from a 3d point perspective, not to mention the clever story backed by movie standards been here for almost a century, and maybe even longer with acting on stage etc etc

I build mine for 1080p 60 hz and feel almost no difficulties, for my extreme wishes i prob would need at least a 2080ti even on 1080p but just as you say, the change is almost neglible hence the choice for the 2060s

I feel with an average of around 45% powerdraw i'm hitting nicely the ceiling both in terms of heat and power usage for the 175W/H card

I accompanied some pictures to go with this post, please keep in mind the pictures are even further downgraded to fit as an attachment

It would be interesting to see if and when gog jumps on the RTX offering
Radiance1979: suddenly is faced with covid-19, lost his job, his wife in the infirmary
Real gamers don't care about that, as long as they still have their games.