Warloch_Ahead: You know, there is a point that the forum software isn't good, but at least it looks like and functions as a forum. I stopped posting on GameSpot before they changed their design and have no real intention on going back after all these years because not only does it look worse for wear, but the forums there seem to have simply died off compared to how busy it was back in the day. Believe it or not, the Off-Topic community was thriving between 2006-2012.
I just put "REVIEWED" tags on the games I did and then check back on them once in a while in order to validate my own opinions. My record is 3 out of 45 people finding my joke review of Return to Castle Wolfenstein helpful.
That would be helpful if I was of the organized mind to put such tags on things.
And more to the point, doesn't help if a game (IE Witcher 3) has a bajillion reviews among yours.
Cavalary: Remember that their excuse for removing gogmixes entirely was that the person who coded them no longer works there and their current coders don't know how to make the necessary changes to that old codebase. And the forums are on that same old codebase. Likely stuff hacked together back in the day that the current team of people picked for their focus on the most modern systems and programs and design "standards" don't want to know anything about...
I'm thinking it might be like Game Freak; where a lot of key staff refuse to move forward technologically, and can't be removed either due to seniority or tenure.