HunchBluntley: Dunno if I'd go that far. A functioning forum search capability is a very basic (bordering on essential) feature -- especially given the lack of any other way to see all of one's own past posts -- that's not worked properly here for years.
I never said it was perfect, and I agree that it doesn't have features it should have. However, how long have we had it for? It has stood the test of time, however badly. So it has been working well enough ,,, to a degree ... else we would not continue to use it as effectively as we do, despite its many issues.
HunchBluntley: Except for the "My recent posts" page, which takes forever to
try to load, and it's a crap shoot whether it will even succeed. :D
Not something I use much myself, but when you consider what it has to do, I am not surprised, and a more modern forum wouldn't be any faster, likely slower for the same kind of feature.
HunchBluntley: Again, I'm not sure about that. It seems like any time something breaks, it takes ages for them to even figure out how to fix it without breaking too many other things, and -- as we've seen -- there are certain things that seem to be beyond their ability to fix satisfactorily. That time spent researching why a thing broke and how to fix it in a way that doesn't break three other things is time better spent doing any number of other things. (And time wasted -- at least when it comes to paid staff -- is also money wasted.)
And given how many user-side tools are either missing or broken, I fully expect that there are quite a few potentially time-saving staff- or moderator-specific tools that are likewise either just not there, or not working properly, which causes those folks to either have to do things in grossly sub-optimal ways (such as
starting a forum topic for spam reports!), or not be able to do those things at all.
There is a lot of truth in what you say, while at the same time other aspects are quite simple and fewer in number than a more modern forum. Progress often gives more features, but at a price.
HunchBluntley: I'm not saying there wouldn't also be a significant expenditure in time 1.) getting the new forum set up and integrated with the main site & Galaxy in the ways the overlords want it to be, and 2.) transitioning staff and [often radically change-averse] users to a new forum using completely different software. But that time spent would be an investment in the future. Clinging to this POS by spending time trying to keep it running just barely well enough to get by is just throwing that time on the fire with no long-term gain.
I wish we had a newer better forum, but as you say, getting there would be a lot of effort and work, and I am sure because of the constraints GOG have, it is a matter of, IF IT AIN"T BROKE DON"T FIX IT. Many would challenge the AIN'T BROKE aspect, but from GOG's perspective it likely isn't.
A new forum would be costly in both time and money. GOG have to balance that against any real benefit to them, and the real potential for things to go wrong with any kind of transfer etc. In reality they have missed the window of opportunity that existed several years ago, where things would have been far easier to do than now.
Reputedly the current forum software is something GOG designed, by one or more employees back in the day. If so it is basically free for them to keep using it. Whereas new forum software, certainly good software to deal with the huge demands involved, would be costly. Likely they would also be jumping on the update every year or so bandwagon, so continuing costs would be likely.
So GOG would no doubt be asking themselves - Are we getting by as is?
GOG provide a very limited flawed forum, but it is more than many other stores do, and especially how tolerant GOG are compared to all others over what gets posted.