skeletonbow: The reason it doesn't work in reverse to let people transfer their games to Steam, is because that does not promote people to buy things on GOG and come and use the GOG store, it would promote people to get copies of games they own on GOG onto Steam and use Steam more which would make almost no sense towards the goal of obtaining new customers.
metricfun: Yeah. Exactly. Then why did Steam agree to it? What do they get? Could they potentially lose customers to GOG? Maybe. Who knows? So why did Steam do it?
Anyone can write a Steam application that talks through the Steam APIs, you just have to go get a Steam developer account for free and download the SDK, read the docs, then start programming. Read the terms of service agreement on Steam's API and follow the rules. As long as one follows the rules then Valve pretty much doesn't give the slightest shit what people do with the Steam API - unless they are doing something illegal or abusive. Perhaps you are under the impression that to do this someone has to take Gabe Newell out for steak dinner and pick the lint from his toes or something, I dunno. That's not the case. Valve does not have these police-state type controls over everything related to Steam like so many people think they do. Valve pretty much doesn't give a crap about much of anything as long as people aren't scamming people, breaking the law, or abusing their policies which are pretty loose.
In fact, the Steam API is a more open and easily available API that anyone can use moreso than any other platform out there - including GOG Galaxy at the moment. Granted, GOG has promised that their API will be public when it is finalized and they plan on documenting it for developers to use according to statements they've made - and I personally trust them fully on that. But Galaxy being complete with a stable API is a long long way off IMHO.
I've probably got about 3 dozen websites bookmarked that use the Steam APIs for free to do all kinds of cool stuff, and half of them people would probably think Valve would be upset over and shut them down. But - Valve pretty much doesn't give a shit. :) 5/10/20 minutes or so yada yada, and you're writing Steam apps like GOG just did, and Steam, Valve, and Gabe most likely don't even know you exist. :) You're a data base entry in a computer not touched by humans. :)
skeletonbow: Even if GOG could do what you're asking, there is zero incentive for them to want to do so or to spend any time, money or other resources on what amounts to helping people to /leave/ their platform. That would make no business sense.
metricfun: Again, why did Steam agreed to it then?
Just for the record, I'm not asking GOG to do anything. I'm asking the very clever "GOGlins" *shrug at that word* what they think that whole deal got both companies.
Because you have a mistaken belief that Steam wants to or has to agree with it and specifically approve it, and you believe that doing what GOG is doing is drawing business away from Steam and thus threatening Steam so therefore Steam would not approve this. Except - that isn't at all how it works, and Steam doesn't give a shit. :)
See URLs I linked to above for details.
metricfun: Steam would advertise for whatever reason Steam would advertise. Good PR? They're not "losing" sales as people still need to buy on Steam to get the games on GOG.
Wow, you're really totally missing the point. This isnt encouraging people to buy games on Steam so they can get free copies on GOG. They're very short lived temporary promotions offered by the combination of the publisher of the game and GOG. Valve and Steam don't need to be involved in any way shape or form.
If a game publisher wants to offer their customers a free copy of a game for download from a different distributor, they don't need to talk to Steam at all, nor does the Steam API even need to be accessed by GOG at all. The publisher can simply say "Send us a receipt or screenshot with proof of purchase of your game from Steam/Amazon/the Space Shuttle, wherever, and we will give you a free key for our game on's service.
Not only can they do that, that is exactly what the "RECLAIM YOUR GAME" link on the REDEEM CODE page does on for the last several years. There were a few publishers with a few games which offered to give their customers free copies of games on GOG that they owned on Steam. Instructions are on the page. Only a small number of games are elligible and there are other conditions, but basically - prove you bought the game with a proof of purchase and you get the game on GOG for free. Not only is Valve/Steam unaware this happened, they don't care and why would they? The game publisher can give their game for free to whoever they want under whatever reasons/conditions they want to. They're trying to provide a customer service to their customers, and they can do just that if they want to.
So what is GOG Connect all about then if they could do this and have done this for several years anyway without GOG Connect? It's GOG's attempt to improve and simplify the steps a customer needs to take to get free copies of games on GOG that are owned elsewhere, by having an automated mechanism that can just go out on its own and obtain the proof of purchase with as little effort from the customer as possible. That's doable because Valve purposefully provides a programming API that provides access to this type of information for 3rd party developers to be able to access to write useful applications. Valve isn't losing anything, they're gaining more people using their APIs to do useful things. What GOG and publishers can now do with GOG Connect, they could do before via web forms, email, a photocopy of a receipt and an envelope sent through the mail, or other mechanisms. GOG Connect using the Steam API just makes the whole process happen without all those extra steps and hassles (caveat: so long as it works when someone uses it, and they aren't hitting the Steam API's maximum limit per day, which they did apparently).
metricfun: One thing that would make sense, is Steam knows it's such a small percentage of their customers that will use this service, and they either 1) don't think those customers will leave their service or 2) estimates the number that will leave to be negligable.
I'm not sure what that last sentence was about, but I was just curious to know what other people might see in that initiative. Should I feel dumb for asking? Thanks for your point of view nonetheless.
3) Aren't aware that it is even happening and don't give a crap because it isn't violating Steam's terms of service, in fact it is using the Steam API for precisely the type of reason why those APIs exist and are made public and easily available for developers to use. Steam makes money when they sell games, so they've developed their service to provide as many value-added functions as possible and let people create things. As I said, as long as people aren't breaking the law, or causing mischief or other misdeeds, Valve/Steam simply doesn't care.
Hell, there are two video games being sold on Steam, which simply make fun of the Gabe Newell the founder of Valve. I'm sure many people thought "Oh, there's no way Valve would let them sell that game in the store, that's blasphemy!", when in reality - Gabe doesn't give a shit, he makes money off those games being sold too.
GabeN Gabe Newell Simulator What GOG and the game publishers are doing by providing GOG Connect, is attempting to provide a friendly and useful customer service. Glitches that occurred during the rollout of that aside - it was well intentioned and meant to provide something useful and easy to customers. Funny enough, what Valve/Steam are doing by providing the API with which GOG can do this, and not caring that they're doing it - is providing value added customer service as well.
This industry is all about customer service, and by focusing on trying to provide good customer service and value add, Valve has pushed themselves to become the #1 game distributor. Think of it like going to Walmart to buy a new garden rake and them being out of stock and telling you to go try the gardening department at Target. If you do so, then they just helped make Target more money and they didn't get your money. But what they did, is provided you with a good customer service experience, and you're going to remember that next time you go shopping.
The idea some people have that these companies are all in heavy fight club style deathmatch with each other trying to rip each other's throats out, or that they need to worry about their competition about minor trivial things like this is just misplaced and would be a very bad way of thinking if one was running a business. Put the customer first, provide good service and try to help the customer solve their problem, and you'll get more business in the end, even if you send some folks to your competitors along the way, or collaborate purposefully or as is the case here - incidentally with them.
If there are any doubts in one's mind - go read the Steam developer docs etc.
Valve doesn't give a crap. :)