AFnord: Not a person dressed up as a goat? That seems far more appropriate to me!
Goats? Where we're going we don't need goats! Kinda offtopic, but I think it's a fitting response to the goat-post :P What you see there is another tradition of the region where I live. It's called "Correfoc" (fire run) or "Ball dels Dimonis" (dance of the devils).
Every year in January there's a huge Correfoc where over a dozen of "devil clubs" do their dance and where thousands of people come to dance with them. Last January I decided to take my camera and to jump into the fire. This time (next month already!) I think I'll do a video, or even a stream. Taking pictures is fun, but it can't transport the... terror :O The pyrotechnics they use there do very, VERY weird noises, giving you the impression that the gates to hell just opened. And the pictures don't show how people boldly jump into the fire just to flee a few seconds later after feeling some first sparks hitting their faces...
As I said... We don't need any goats ;)