canie: The "not everyone celebrates christmas" becomes irrelevant the moment you realize the southern hemisphere has
summer now.
Judging by the country of most posters ITT, 2 or 3 won't celebrate christmas - so most members by far probably will.
If you visit just about any Asian country right now you'd actually know that it is Christmas; there will be lights, christmas trees etc. in the big malls and airports. The US has exported the idea of Christmas to most parts of the world, way before black friday and halloween.
The number of people who would be offended by it would be right around 0, those who would be probably don't play computer games - apart from a few militant atheists who live in their parents' basement.
It might be more of a cultural and profitable time of the year than a religious event to most people, I get that you could argue that calling it Christmas sale is disrespectful to the religious message. That would actually be the only argument I could understand.
Either way, some people are sick of Christmas things being called winter things, chances are that more people are offended about the Winter Sale title than what would be the case the other way around.
Nothing is neutral enough to not offend people in this day and age.
What part of "calling it a winter or holiday sale makes it more appealing to customers who might have religious beleifs other the Christianity" don't you get?
Sorry, but "Christmas And Christinaity" sort of go together and can't be separated.