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Banned for being jealous of said lamoids for thinking of it first.
Banned for making a web in my garage, and being venomous!
^ banned for identifying the poster above you as a brown recluse
Banned for painting yourself brown and being reclusive.

Hooyaah: ^ banned because it's square to be "hip"
Banned for having square hips.
Banned for accusing Hooyah of being a Lego character.
Banned for not knowing Hooyaah is a playable character in a few Lego games which may or may not be available for purchase on this very website.
Banned for conspiring against remaining Lego games appearing here.
Banned for making them disappear by purchasing every copy.
Banned for watching an imaginary countdown of remaining copies.
Banned for eating all the bleu cheese in the GOG vault.
Banned because that cheese made me go "bleu" after one bite.
Banned for not going blue with that joke.
^ banned because he really blew an epic banning opportunity right there
Banned for over-reacting to my description of the only Star Wars media worse than all of Disney's worst projects.
^ Banned for not sitting back and learning to love the (media) bombs