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Banned for throwing pee-soaked dollar bills onto strippers and calling it rain.
Banned for stripping the strippers of their strip club money...
Banned so you'll never catch me!
^ banned for being, "The Gingerbread Man"
Banned due to this page's numerous 503 errors making me feel somewhat irate.
^banned for not mentioning the 503.75 errors.
Banned for thinking that there are a fraction of errors.
^ banned for being a fraction less than the sum of your parts
Banned for having spare parts that cost more than your whole self.
^ banned for having parts which you can't really spare fall off as you get old
Banned because the Prince of Persia box art is old but it's gold.
Banned for trapping Prince Albert in a can.

Hooyaah: ^ banned for having parts which you can't really spare fall off as you get old
Banned for somehow knowing that about me.
Banned because you better let the poor guy out! HA! HA! HA!
Banned for suggesting we release the prisoner.
Banned for releasing the kraken.