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Banned for being an acolyte of En Sabah Nur.
Banned for being an acrylic Sable Fur.
Banned because I 86'd my garbage Ryzen 5500 and no longer get crackling audio. This current build I've got is pretty sweet.
Banned for dumping Rice Krispies on your speakers so that they'd snap, crackle and pop.
Banned for using cereal to cool your PC.
Banned for stealing the prototype KFC Gaming Computer when you found out they were canceled before mass production.
Banned for flying a pastry without a loicense.
Banned for flying the Spaghetti Monster without a license... or a loicense either.
Banned for not letting your avatar get an [organ removal] after encountering my avatar.
Banned for not getting a [bracket removal] because I don't understand the purpose of them in that particular sentence.
Banned for not making the connection to the movie Prometheus where Shaw needs to trick a surgery machine by ordering it to remove an "organ", which is actually an alien squid baby.

GOG was censoring me on the same subject.
Banned for being censored for no understandable reason.
^ banned for not understanding that is the way in which censorship works
Banned because non-approved facts will not be tolerated here to prevent censorship and protect free discourse.
Hooyaah: ^ banned for not understanding that is the way in which censorship works
^ Banned for reappearing.
InSaintMonoxide: Banned because non-approved facts will not be tolerated here to prevent censorship and protect free discourse.
^ Banned for banning Hooyah before I could.
Post edited August 18, 2024 by MysterD