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Banned for banning yourself.
J Lo: Banned for not getting banned.
Banned because your present self (which is your past self to me now) banned your past past self of your present present self and thus created a time loop and a time paradox with anyone ever reading this thread, making every time versions of your present conscience self be in a eternal banning thyself loop.

HeresMyAccount: Banned for banning yourself.
Banned for confirming my thyself banning loop theory banning him before me banning him, making us all get confused with the time banning mechanic of this existence......
Post edited June 27, 2024 by .Keys
^ banned for attempting to twist spacetime into a hot doughy pretzel with spicy mustard and extra sodium chloride
Hooyaah: ^ banned for attempting to twist spacetime into a hot doughy pretzel with spicy mustard and extra sodium chloride
Banned for thinking that Einstein was actually a theoretical gastronomic
^ banned for thinking that you are funny
Banned for telling that to Joe Pesci.
Banned for being so pesky.
^ banned for stashing all of your Pez candy and Pez dispensers in a locked drawer and hiding your Pez key
Banned for throwing a giant Hello Kitty pez dispenser at the armed goons chasing you, thereby endangering several bystanders.
Banned for urinating into your sink.
Banned for occupying the toilet while I really need to go!
Banned for occupying the toilet regularly, because you live in it, sort of like Oscar the Grouch, except with excrement.
Banned for spying on the toilets when others need to go.
^ banned for soiling the toilets where others need to go urgently
Banned for using other as toilets because they urgently need soil.