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Banned for being rude! Posting drunk once is classless, but doing it multiple times is charming! I promise!
^banned for always being sober. In other words. being forever dull, boring and unexciting.
Banned for describing Ben Stein.
Banned for making me think of Ben Stiller.
Banned for saying Ben.
Banned for not saying Stiller.
Banned for not being still, even though you've ben so before.
Banned for using your crystal ball to see into the past.
Banned because HeresMyAccount's crystal ball can only be used to look into the future.
Banned because you have crystal balls, so they're hard but perhaps brittle. Do you wear a jockstrap?
Banned for breaking the crystal ball.
Banned because we didn't see that coming.
^ banned because that's a good thing and because you misspelled coming
Banned, because I think we should all steer away from talking about this stuff any further lol.
Post edited April 09, 2022 by MovingArtillery
^ banned, and promoted to general, so we can talk about you, a general, in the General Forum (and for your impeccable leadership skills)