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^ Banned because "oh my god Hooyaah! It's a bomb!"

"A bomb!"
^ banned for frightening folks with unsubstantiated hyperbole
Banned for encouraging me to plant a real bomb on the forum to make the hyperbole more substantiated.
^ banned for risking the terrible wrath of the, now rabid, GOG bear
Banned for giving him rabies. I know i asked you to keep him away from me, but did you have to infect him with a deadly disease which makes him even more aggressive?
Banned because the streak needs to end now!
^ banned because we should allow lovely ladies to streak anytime
^Banned because that aint gandalf. But a bearded lady. Proof:
Post edited March 29, 2022 by every1hasnames
Banned because I remember seeing that leg in A Christmas Story, and Santa Claus is now wearing it!
^ banned, because you will never be able to un-see that
Banned for your own good. You are addicted to coffee and you know it.
^ banned for reminding that I haven't had any coffee yet today

Banned for drinking coffee. Eat coffee-flavored ice cream instead.
Banned because it's been a long time since the last time I had eaten an ice cream.
Banned for banning ice cream consumption for so long.