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^banned because her victims were smiling because they were the con artist and he was the con man.
Banned for going to comic con and confusing consenting contestants constantly out of context
banned for forced consonance
^ banned for lacking consciousness
Banned for lacking slacks.
^ banned for slacking and not noticing that I was wearing pants (would it have kilt you to pay attention?)
^Banned because it wasnt actually pants. But just blue paint on his legs that makes it look like he is wearing blue jeans.
Hes totally nude from the waist down.
Post edited March 27, 2022 by every1hasnames
Banned for painting people who don't wear paints with a broad brush.
Banned because your Mom also said that I'm cool. (Fyi, this isn't one of those jokes where the joke implies that your Mom and I did something dirty together lol.)
Post edited March 27, 2022 by MovingArtillery
Banned, because your denial alone isn't convincing enough to judge whether what you're denying did or didn't happen.
Banned because your ban alone doesn't guarantee that I won't come back to this thread. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Banned because everyone comes back, no matter how many times they've been banned.
Banned because if you were so sure about that you would not have bothered to make an alt account.
Banned for assuming that I have an alternate account, simply because he has (actually, had) the same image as me, which was given to us by default.
Banned for conveniently forgetting that this tooootally different account also happens to have the same title as his. Riddle me this, HMA!