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Banned for thinking that πr^2, when in fact πr round.
Banned for being π in the sky.
Post edited March 17, 2022 by J Lo
^Banned for eating so much of that pie the only belt that fits you is the asteroid belt.
Banned because damn.... Nice one!
banned because when you asked for a candy bar, the Milky Way was not enough
Banned for confusing advertising. I once bought a Milky Way in the USA and it ended up just being a Mars bar. What i was looking for was a Three Musketeers.
Banned for being a diabetic chocolates-chaser.
Banned for eating a diarrhetic with a chocolate chaser.
Banned for banging on the door of Hooyaah's shack for hours every night.
^Banned for peeking through the crack of her brothers bedroom door making heavy stalker breathing sounds.
Post edited March 17, 2022 by every1hasnames
^ banned because you don't use the username everyonehasaname
Banned for having a name like everyone else.
Banned for not giving the James Webb Space Telescope a more creative name.
Banned because Britain is for the Britons.
Banned because "briton" sounds like something delicious and crunchy you put in your soup.