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Banned for having a stroke mid-sentence and messing up the rest of it.
^ banned for making me laugh so hard, I blew coffee all over my keyboard
Banned because I thought the person above you was you. You should really start looking for a new profile picture.

EDIT: I GOT NINJA'ED! You're banned for that Hooyaah.
Post edited March 11, 2022 by MovingArtillery
^ banned for being so easy to ninja
Banned because it can't be helped. I have to move this artillery everywhere I go.
^ banned for not using the tracks as a means of mobility... seriously, didn't you have training to be a tank commander?
Banned because Vingry does things at his own pace and there is nothing wrong with it.
Banned, because his pace is nearly stationary.
Banned for paradoxically pacing while remaining stationary.
Banned for making me realize that paradoxes exist.
Post edited March 11, 2022 by JoaoPauloZA
^ banned because sometimes it takes a pair o' docs to stitch a man back together
^ Banned for being possibly the wittiest person to make me chuckle today. ;-)
Post edited March 11, 2022 by JoaoPauloZA
^Banned for being easily amused
Banned for being hardly amused.
Banned for just going on and on and on. I don't care.