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Banned because I'm sure you have not watched Reign: The Conqueror aka Alexander Senki.
Banned for watching something that nobody (except you) has ever watched.


OMG, i've searched that on Google. Thats some kind of kinky gay stuff you've chose to talk about :o
Post edited July 09, 2021 by EPurpl3
Banned for public intoxication.
Post edited July 09, 2021 by InSaintMonoxide
low rated
Banned for possibly trying to intoxicate lickers in pubs
Banned for rubber balls and liquor.
low rated
Banned because that's not true. Liquor? I barely know her!
Post edited July 09, 2021 by GamezRanker
Banned because considering that you barely know her, you have a problem with liquor but no objection to rubber balls. You could have said, "Rubber balls? I barely know her!"
Post edited July 09, 2021 by HeresMyAccount
Banned because I tried making rubber bells. Didn't turn out so great.
banned for being a cunning linguist without a liquor license
Banned for being a filled ratio with insufficient suction (sorry, that's dumb).
banned cause thats dumb
Dumb cause that's banned.
^ banned, and it really pains me to do it, as there are no reason whatsoever to justify a banishment
Banned because the ban justifies the means.
banned becaz it's weekend