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Banned for inventing lewd elf bowling (you disgust me).
Banned for kink-shaming Hooyaah.
Banned for supporting the abuse of small people.
Banned for looking like some weird machine in the sky.
Banned for not recognizing the ban-hammer in time before it hit you.
Banned for throwing a banhammer that will return to hit you.
banned for inventing the banarang
Banned for wrapping the banarang in a bandana.
Banned for creating a boomerang out of bananas.
Banned because what else am I supposed to use? They're shaped just like boomerangs!
Banned for lacking creativity.
Banned, because creativity only causes problems. If all users here were a grey conformist mass, we wouldn't have to do so much banning.
Banned for banning free expression!
Banned, because I'm racking my brain wondering what your new profile picture is supposed to represent. A shield being sent down from heaven? Google image search doesn't bring up any results either. Why are you doing this to me?
Banned for not knowing that the avatar in question is a set of Lego building blocks descending from the heavens for the needy elf, Legoless.