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Banned for completely exhausting everything that can be said about that.
Banned for trying to end the discussion about an extremely interesting subject that is far from exhausted.
^ banned, for bringing this thread one post closer to its end
Banned for implying that this thread will ever end.
banned, for suggesting that anything made by a human being is eternal
Banned for implying that this thread is merely man-made and not an eternal part of the cosmic order.
Banned because most posts are made by an AI anyway.
^ banned, for being "MightyFloTheAIKing"
^ Banned for being HooyAIh.
banned, for having another account, "HeresMyAlt"
Banned, for also having another account, "Booyaah"
^ Banned, for having yet another account strictly for ultraviolent games, "BayonetBomb"
Banned for no reason, for this is how things work nowadays.
Banned for being the voice of no reason.
low rated
^Banned for banning precious starchan's sister ;)


Hooyaah: banned, for not ranking any games lately
Banned for not checking out this thread(post 21) ;)