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Banned for knowing that this is the internet and you can meet all kinds of people. And extra banned for not being gullible to trust someone who say that the children are the key to any door and the answer to any problem. I bet that the guy who said that would demand his children to beg on the streets so he can spend their money on alcohol and prostitutes, the way he exploited right now to win a stupid infantile argument on a random forum on a random website. I bet he would do a lot more if it has something to earn from that. He should be ashamed of himself and he should fix his own problems, not to send the children to do that for him.

Making a joke about virginity on a forum like this could upset many people but a joke is a joke and should be considered a joke. Right now i am laughing and i consider it a very good joke :)).
Post edited December 29, 2019 by EPurpl3
Banned, because tl;dr.
Post edited December 29, 2019 by morolf
Banned for hiding your tru ban(patent pending) with a quick edit. o.0
Banned, because I merely changed the position of the semicolon a bit, accuracy is important - we have to be a model for the children here, so they'll become productive adults like us :-)))))
Banned for being a pathetic excuse for a human being (also virgin) :))).
Post edited December 29, 2019 by EPurpl3
Banned, because chastitiy and virginity are virtues beloved by God, whereas you're probably living a sinful and dissolute lifestyle full of alcohol, drugs and indiscriminate fornication. Repent before it's too late!
Banned for preaching without a soapbox.
Banned, because Tim Horton's sells human meat.
Banned for having quite a disturbing imagination :D.
Banned, because you're probably working for Tim Horton's, trying to cover up their evil and planning to lure innocent Gog forum members to a messy end in the meatgrinder.
Banned for suggesting that a meat grinder should be used improperly - it's a meat grinder, not a bone grinder, so why would anyone put whole people in it?

GameRager: An aside: To be honest I think anyone under their nation's age of maturity should be kept off the forums rather than have everyone police their language even more, but that's just me.
Banned because everyone should be allowed to use the Internet if they want to BUT nobody should have to police their language either.
Banned, because if you know so much about meat and bone grinders, you're probably part of the Tim Horton's cannibal conspiracy too.
Post edited December 29, 2019 by morolf
^Banned for not bowing down to your Tim Horton's overlords and their amazing mint hot cocoa.
I am sick of meat, so i ban you and your meat and all others who meat-talk!
Post edited December 29, 2019 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
Banned, because et tu, Gamerager? Are you all with Tim Horton's?

EDIT: Bradley is banned for being vegan, they're almost as bad as cannibals imo.
Post edited December 29, 2019 by morolf