^Banned for subtly supporting nofap...which we ALL know is a conspiracy against able bodied men to do as they please. ;)
Hooyaah: ^ Banned for not knowing that I love just such a challenge but doing so would be worthless... That estimation just caused me to create a floccinaucinihilipilification and that is only a very long word, not a break in the forum character limit. Perhaps on my next attempt I will post pi ( π ) infinitely or until I break it!
With this site that likely wouldn't be that hard....not that i'm advocating you DO that or anything(in case staff are watching[they are always watching]). o.0
DavidOrion93: Banned because there may be posters with hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia here.
I find it a bit ironic/amusing the word for that is long.