ResidentLeever: If people find it useful then ok, but I think it sounds kinda bad and is unnecessary. If you're into metroid or sotn then you'll probably be into the wonder boy series and faxanadu as well and platform adventure or sidescrolling action adventure works better as an umbrella term for all those games.
Not if the characteristics described above are what you're looking for (open map, gated progress, backtracking etc.); a game that doesn't have them is very unlikely to be described as a Metroidvania(-like) game, but it could very well be a "platform adventure" or "sidescrolling action adventure" because that description fits a lot of different games, e.g. Super Mario, Captain Claw, Heart of Darkness, Abe's Oddysee, Another World, Prince of Persia, etc.; "sidescrolling action adventure" could even be Golden Axe.
If you just go by the name, that is. If your terms would have been established to mean precisely what Metroidvania means now, it would be different, of course. Which is what I meant to say above: "Metroidvania" doesn't have to be strictly related to what Metroid and Castlevania games are (now or back in the days), the name could be totally unrelated to that, which would make it a misnomer or a silly name, but it would still have the particular meaning that people think of when they hear it now, and that's what counts, in the end.