I did read through those articles and what I read really didn't surprise me. The Gamespot article about EA , the headline is: "COO Peter Moore says in five to 10 years, all titles will allow players to install a client for free, then charge for add-ons; $60 games may survive." I also quote from the same page "Last updated by Eddie Makuch on June 22, 2012 at 11:11AM". So the article was last updated in 2012, it's 2018 now, I think PM was a little too optimistic about the gaming market jumping on the FTP bandwagon :)
That techspot article you linked to about Eidos reminds me a lot when gaming publications in the late 90's (though I remember it specifically in PCGamer) stating multiplayer was the future of gaming and single player gaming would be a memory. If that was truly the case, GOG wouldn't exist and instead of us having this discussion, we would be confusing our K/D ratios with our penis sizes and telling each other to have sex with certain family members.
I did know microtransactions were big buisness and companies would be pushing for them. However, even if they are profitable now, doesn't mean it will remain that way in the future. In the UK in 2005, there were about 3400 night clubs, today, there are about 1700. One of the reasons night clubs are falling out of favour in the UK is they offer poor value for money. It's a possibility microtransactions could follow a similar trend.
The consolization of games is something us older gamers complain about until this very day, I did notice it as well. Interesting you mentioned Thief: Deadly Shadows because loading up that game for the first time did irk me somewhat. Yes, it does suck and yes, i know that trend isn't going to reverse, at least not for AAA devs. However, consolization delivers a watered down gaming experience, while micro transactions deliver a predatory one. With the former, it can be tolerable, but the later definately isn't which is why people are more vocal about it. Even if the protesters are a minority, it's the minority that make the changes in society and always has been. Majority can't make changes because they are the mainstream ;)
So yeah, I'm really not concerned as I'm confident micro transactions as a business model will eventually backfire. EIther consumers start getting more savvy after being screwed or big companies will push too far and bleed their money base dry or push them on. We'll see what happens in the future though. If the worst does happen, I have enough games and other hobbies to last me anyways.