BKGaming: That is quite rich coming from somebody on the left, an ideology where one is routinely made an outcast if they dare to have free thought or speak their mind when it differs from the ideology and you want to talk about robots?
"That is quite rich" how you atttempt to present this "perspective" after you have undoubtedly witnessed the diverse right wing strategies employed by the media and politicians to deprive the Parkland survivors of their right to free speech. How they have been called fake, actors, trained, brainwashed, indoctrinated, unamerican, against the constitution, against the second amendment, literally soulless and of course: Nazis and too stupid for college. Just to make them shut the fuck up. Yes, those agitators are indeed robots (sometimes literally, from Russia without love), because I don't see a shred of human empathy in the tireless vilification efforts they are undertaking.
"That is quite rich" is a phrase I've heard so many times from you. But the tu quoque, it's a logical fallacy for a reason: the rhetoric technique ignores the argument that was brought forth. It brings us nowhere in fact. Not even robots could convey knowledge without values. The knowledge is meaningless without the values, the values are tied to the knowledge. He who claims to teach without values indeed does teach, well, literally conservative values. Obedience to the status quo, a grotesquely idealized view of the past, a wildly optimistic view of the present, and a deep seated aversion to change.
BKGaming: Don't get me wrong we have our issues with race, but these issues are typically quite rare today, especially when it comes to issues with the police.
They just shot an unarmed black guy in his grandmother's backyard. Several times, in the back. Not sure how the media can paint this any worse than it was.
BKGaming: Then why do places like London (with strict guns laws) recently have similar murder rates to New York
You're picking carefuly selected statistical spikes and attempt to portray them as the new norm. Not for the first time in a discussion of gun violence, I might add. It's getting boring to always research all the stuff that you really should have researched yourself. But, yawn, for the record, London's murder rates have been higher than New York's
in 2018, in the first quarter only, and for the first time in recorded history, not "recently". Take a look at 2017, a year of utter chaos, destabilization and war on the soiled stage of the world, and compare those murder rates in NY and London. Heeeeere we go. I apologize for ignoring the argumentative vermicular appendix attached to the misleading application of statistics, but that is one privilege you're not getting.
BKGaming: Well this is a completely overdramatic non-rational look at the current US landscape... should I intern make overdramatic non-rational views on Germany?
Yet another one?
BKGaming: There are liberal guns owners who probably wouldn't support all of it.
It won't fit in your head, but I in fact don't support all of it. But I guess the kids have, in the meantime, understood that giving the authorities more rights and more surveillance opportunities when their POC allies aren't trusting those authorities for shit, is a really bad idea.
BKGaming: Blaming the NRA anytime gun control fails to go anywhere is a "strawman".[...] Actually if we are going to take certain steps to solve this, it probably should happen at the state level.
Sure, start wherever you can. Trump has taken over 30 million $ from the NRA and the NRA has invested in an uncounted number of TV spots - which doesn't count as campaign contributions to my knowledge - to help elect him. Nothing whatsoever will happen nation wide (except, maybe, video game censorship). Your only chance is the state level.
BKGaming: The media claimed it being a rally for students, by students
It was. It is. It will be again.
BKGaming: big liberal groups with a lot of money and backing paraded survivors to push a political message that they wanted to push to enforce their political beliefs.
You have TV channels dedicated exclusively towards spreading the belief that owning big powerful guns is the only freedom worth having. Gun insanity is the norm, it's the status quo. And as there's no money in anti-gun ideology, no application of the capitalist principle, naturally those particular interest groups are sincerely
underfunded. The gun fanatic voices are so loud, so drowning, so constant that apparently nothing besides a protest a million American citizens strong would even make you listen. I am not surprised that a protest so massive that even you become aware of it
must be perceived as staged at all costs.
Two thirds for gun control now. Two thirds. Next big school shooting, it will be more.
BKGaming: I don't even think you would disagree, that despite any perceived issues, we are regarded as one of the best countries in the world by most of the world
I am very sorry, but "the world" in 2018 either thinks the US is hilariously incompetent or dangerously erratic. It gets worse every week and for a very good reason. Y'all are well aware that this is happening, that the US leadership right now is dismantling an image that was carefully supported for a very, very long time, constantly, regardless whether the leaders were Rep or Dem. "
The world is laughing about us", that's not an empty phrase, nor is it uttered only by left-leaning US citizens. The spirit of cooperation has made the country great, in particular the spirit of international cooperation, and that spirit is dead.
BKGaming: Have you actually ever been to the USA?
Is this the grand finale in the "you don't even know what it's like over here" argumentative angle, the "foreigners are trying to influence US policy" conspiracy nonsense?
It's been a while, but yes, absolutely, I have spent quite a bit of time in the US, the first time was in 1989. I've personally witnessed cultural differences and shock, and not just when at 14 I turned up to a Pataskalan pool in a banana hammock. And, yes, I've been to Compliance Central for the youth back then, to
Sunday School, we discussed
circumstance and
God's Plan, wasn't that awesome as fuck and not the least bit fatalist. I guess my mother thought that all those trips to my aunt would widen my horizon but, in retrospect, I guess we both have come to understand that widening one's horizon can't happen when you meet narrow minds almost exclusively.
My aunt and authentic "uncle Bob" – who has voted Republican his entire life, except in the last election, and is quite a bit of an anti-gun and anti-alcohol nazi – are living in Ohio. Their five kids have spread all through the US in the meantime, and only the oldest of them are still able to speak German with a heavy accent. My aunt quips she now has a son-in-law called John in Jamestown and one called James in Johnstown. James is the army guy. Not sure whether I like that buzz cut on his first born son, I tell ya. I keep losing track of the children my cousins themselves have produced in the meantime, but I'm "going on a limb" saying seven, and boy do they want big families each. I'll meet all of them in June, discussions of the "American situation" abound! Somehow they think marriages are so damn important that they're coming over in bulk. And, of course, I will finally meet some young forum folks from Wisconsin in May (in Bavaria though; I will not visit the US under Trump). I've been falling in love with those folks. We've been chatting a whole bunch particularly about this issue, and have been doing so since 2013. They, of course, are big fans of the Parkland kids, and have each suffered quite some fallout with their parents over the Republican landslide towards extremist and misantropist positions. Such is, I hear, the rift between the young and the old in Wisconsin. And quite some other states, too.
One of the central influences and windows into the American soul that I have to name, of course, is my university teacher of old, the great Bill, who left this world at age 53 a few years ago. He was there for us and for our many questions when the towers fell and countless senseless wars ensued. And he said fuck a whole bunch. I remarked on his constant swearing in an essay about prejudices against Americans (!) once. I still have that essay: He graded it "fuck you". There was a great, great man who did think his country was great, and who did have a great heart, but also a lot of scorn for the deep rooted bigotry right where he grew up.
Yet another great authentic source for stories about how fucked up things are in the US is of course the man, the legend, tinyE!