Posted June 28, 2016
I have noticed lately that DOSBox seems to be pushing one of my CPU's cores to the limit. This is undesirable because it generates heat and uses power.
Even with cycles set to 1 and frameskip to 60, DOSBox *still* uses nearly 100% of the CPU core. Any idea why this might be?
(Note that these settings aren't really usable for actual gaming; Bard's Tale 1 didn't start in a reasonable amount of time, and 60 frameskip means it can take as much as a second for the video to respond. I just use these settings because they should, in theory, reduce the CPU usage to close to 0.)
Even with cycles set to 1 and frameskip to 60, DOSBox *still* uses nearly 100% of the CPU core. Any idea why this might be?
(Note that these settings aren't really usable for actual gaming; Bard's Tale 1 didn't start in a reasonable amount of time, and 60 frameskip means it can take as much as a second for the video to respond. I just use these settings because they should, in theory, reduce the CPU usage to close to 0.)