GreasyDogMeat: The Heretic & Hexen pack is the same that's been around for ages. Still missing Portal of Praevus and Heretic II. Heretic II was the worst imho though. I've not once regretted stepping away from GOG, I only stick around for the forums, lurking or otherwise.
Yes, and I have all, including the missing bits on disc. However, it was nice to have some turn up at GOG, and less fuss for me to revisit them again. I was never going to buy them at Steam, while I had discs already.
I have a lot of games at GOG, so have made what you could describe as a serious investment in them. So while I did seriously consider stepping away from them (but never completely) earlier in the year, because of various aspects that were displeasing me and making my usage annoying, I did come up with some work-a-rounds to improve things, so my absence at the store, and even the forum a bit, was only for a while. I've not regretted changing my mind.
GreasyDogMeat: This isn't the worst year of my life, but its definitely the worst year for my country in my lifetime by a LONG shot. I'm sure it has been for many others as well. 2021 is going to be worse, guaranteed, and optimism for it is ignorance.
Maybe you misunderstood what I meant by 2021 really shining ... that was solely in relation to GOG.
That said, my own country has dealt fairly well with COVID, with our politicians generally doing the right thing, so I fully expect 2021 to be a better year here, certainly once acceptable vaccinations roll out. Perhaps the worst ongoing thing is either the uncertainty or the lack of overseas travel or incoming tourists. We are mostly back to normal aside from that. That's not to ignore the heavy cost we now have to pay financially and emotionally, which will be ongoing for a long time. And then there is the ongoing risk of something else ... more drought, bushfires, floods, etc ... hell even another pandemic. We ain't out of the woods yet.
In any case, you and many others around the world have my sympathy and well wishes, and I do hope things turn a corner and improve significantly enough for you. All the best!