jepsen1977: I just buy from stores that give me the best games with the best deals. This form of tribalism is very weird and very unnecessary but it seems to be a sign of the times. Gamers take gaming way too seriously sometimes. It's just a hobby for crying out loud.
No, I agree totally - at least I used to. These platform wars are ridiculous (or shopping wars, digital distribution store wars lol).
Nobody should start preaching ethics/morality/politics/financial economy or any other thing related to shopping preferences for a hobby, especially to others. I hope that's not what I am doing, nor that it came across that way.
But at the same token - if someone does feel that way about a hobby that they might invest a lot of time and money in, they are allowed to express that sentiment, maybe even see if some other like-minded people are out there.
Consider this though - if everyone only bought from stores with 'the best games with the best deals', who could ever compete with Steam? Especially without exclusivity? Do you honestly believe the smaller competitors in the market stand a chance? GOG exists because it offers a niche additional service/feature, and caters to those who do not like dominant behemoths in any industry. The latter point is especially relevant - if people did not care about it enough and only shopped at stores with 'the best games and the best deals', GOG would be far less popular and STeam that much bigger.
People complain about anti-consumerism all the time, and way too much IMO - if consumers had their way, they wouldn't have to pay for anything and get a huge assortment of perfect goods and services. But wait - some would say that already happens, due to 'arrr sailing the high seas' option, which is so often witnessed on any board. Funny thing is, that action happens to be one of the most anti-consumerist things to do, in the long term.
So what are we left with? Contribute to the near monopolistic entity on the market - or try and avoid it, even if it costs a few euros more shopping at alternative shops? Luckily, we get perks for contributing to the underdog competitor - a feature/service that is not offered by Steam (DRM free) that helps me especially playing on Linux. Thus, paying a bit more / waiting a bit more, offers some benefits.