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Tauto: Let me this straight,I don't have any alts and logging in and out of different accounts is not my caper.I am fed up with the forum detectives getting things wrong and accusing new members of being scammers with a hundred alts.Innocent people have been named as scammers and some have not been reversed.
Are you just plain thick or can you actually see the point.

Oh look the tinye band wagon is here.
Gets pissed off by methods of detectives used to catch a criminal.
Becomes a criminal in protest.
<intelligence module missing>
tinyE: At least I'm capable of having one. Your fucking shadow won't follow you. :D
TARFU: Fight!
That asshole made fun of me for having a disease. This is isn't a fight, it's vengeance! :P
TARFU: Fight!
Oh, Hikaru Ichijyo from Macross! \(^_^)/
TARFU: Fight!
tinyE: That asshole made fun of me for having a disease. This is isn't a fight, it's vengeance! :P
"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned."

When you feed trolls with personal anger, it just encourages them.

The most damaging thing you could do to a person like that is just ignore them.

Also, about your disease, trust no one and reveal as little about yourself as possible online.

Thus endeth the lesson.
yyahoo: Quick search of his username only returns a few results. These two mention "scammer":
interdasting. YaTEdiGo is still willing to give to a known scammer, who gloats about his scamming??? standards, man.
tinyE: That asshole made fun of me for having a disease. This is isn't a fight, it's vengeance! :P
TARFU: Thus endeth the lesson.
"There goes the next Chief of Police."

Okay, way OT, but another great line from that classic. :D
Post edited October 30, 2015 by tinyE
TARFU: Thus endeth the lesson.
tinyE: "There goes the next Chief of Police."

Okay, way OT, but another great line from that classic. :D
They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. THAT'S the CHICAGO way!

Back on topic, anyone else think that Tauto guy is farming negative rep? lol
Post edited October 30, 2015 by TARFU
tinyE: "There goes the next Chief of Police."

Okay, way OT, but another great line from that classic. :D
TARFU: They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. THAT'S the CHICAGO way!

Back on topic, anyone else think that Tauto guy is farming negative rep? lol
He doesn't care so long as he gives it, and I would imagine you are on his hit list now. Soon you'll be with several others of us losing 6-12 points a day, so get used to it.
TARFU: They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. THAT'S the CHICAGO way!

Back on topic, anyone else think that Tauto guy is farming negative rep? lol
tinyE: He doesn't care so long as he gives it, and I would imagine you are on his hit list now. Soon you'll be with several others of us losing 6-12 points a day, so get used to it.
No big deal. Life is too short to worry about stuff like forum rep.

Anyone reading my posts would know what kind of person I am regardless of a positive or negative number next to my avatar.
Tauto: I am fed up with the forum detectives getting things wrong and accusing new members of being scammers with a hundred alts.Innocent people have been named as scammers and some have not been reversed.
Ah, I thought you were just a vengeful madman, instead you're a paladin of justice!

1- scammers and leechers constantly steal games, use alts, derep others.
2- users try to fight them as best as they can to protect the community.
3- your solution: side with the scammers, insult and derep everyone to revenge some innocent (who? How do you know?)

My bad, your logic is strong and you're the good guy! -_-'
low rated
TARFU: They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. THAT'S the CHICAGO way!

Back on topic, anyone else think that Tauto guy is farming negative rep? lol
tinyE: He doesn't care so long as he gives it, and I would imagine you are on his hit list now. Soon you'll be with several others of us losing 6-12 points a day, so get used to it.
i tend to get banned from gaming forums, so i would say i'm doing "just fine".
Post edited October 31, 2015 by dick1982
reaver894: I miss the days when this forum was actually a good place to be...
I think you are looking at the past with rose colored glasses. This forum hasn't changed much since 2010 when it comes to the level of toxic behavior. Yes, there are more scammers now, more bullying and more Scooby Doo type villains but this forum has never been a "good" place. It was never some kind of paradise on the internet. I don't think it is possible for a forum on the internet to be a "good place" without moderators(who are fair).

If you don't know what I mean by "Scooby Doo", check this out(not sure if it is well known in the UK).
Post edited October 31, 2015 by monkeydelarge
tinyE: He doesn't care so long as he gives it, and I would imagine you are on his hit list now. Soon you'll be with several others of us losing 6-12 points a day, so get used to it.
dick1982: i tend to get banned from gaming forums, so i would say i'm doing just "just fine".
I've only been banned from one forum in my life (for having a political opinion that was not in step with the forum mod). I guess I have catching up to do?
RWarehall: I certainly see why someone might not be willing to trust you in a trade.
I can see that too, but this thread does show that whoever is maintaing the list (who is it by the way?) should be adding a simple "date added + reason" to each name. Even if posts/threads get deleted, some trace would be there. It would take just a few extra extra seconds to type the additional info, but would prevent a situation where a person got added simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Post edited October 31, 2015 by ZFR
phaolo: Ah, I thought you were just a vengeful madman, instead you're a paladin of justice!

1- scammers and leechers constantly steal games, use alts, derep others.
2- users try to fight them as best as they can to protect the community.
3- your solution: side with the scammers, insult and derep everyone to revenge some innocent (who? How do you know?)

My bad, your logic is strong and you're the good guy! -_-'
Tauto: Thankyou.
You're welcome, at least you read that it doesn't make any sense :)