Posted September 17, 2016
Hey all,
<kvetch mode on>
Demanding administrator rights to install a game on OSX is not only silly but outright irresponsible.
I bet that guys from GOG do not review the code of the games they sell through their store, but the installer is asking for admin rights to install them... how dangerous is it? Well... like very very dangerous, sort of like running around in bad neighbourhood waving a fat pack of dollars around, with a big sign of "kick me" on the back.
Shame on you GOG!
<kvetch mode off>
Anyone knows a half decent explanation why the GOG installer is requiring administrator rights?
<kvetch mode on>
Demanding administrator rights to install a game on OSX is not only silly but outright irresponsible.
I bet that guys from GOG do not review the code of the games they sell through their store, but the installer is asking for admin rights to install them... how dangerous is it? Well... like very very dangerous, sort of like running around in bad neighbourhood waving a fat pack of dollars around, with a big sign of "kick me" on the back.
Shame on you GOG!
<kvetch mode off>
Anyone knows a half decent explanation why the GOG installer is requiring administrator rights?