immi101: yes, that's indeed how it works.
if you don't believe it, look at the source code of lgogdownloader ;)
the galaxy api only delivers compressed data.
I'm really not familiar with 'lgogdownloader' ... and I'd likely not be able to understand the source code or the API entry ... hence why I have only done Windows based GUIs for programs built by others who do understand.
My interpretation, going by your claim for 'lgogdownloader', is that it is more like
Galaxy for Linux, than like '' or '
gogcli.exe', that only work with the
Offline Installers. Is that correct?
immi101: I don't know if (or where) galaxy temporarily stores the compressed data, or if they decompress the data on the fly as it arrives.
Shame, I'd really like to know, to double check this.
The only other way to double check this, would be doing some kind of download comparison.
In any case, as I have said elsewhere, a Galaxy download and install takes much longer than just downloading the Offline Installer files, hogging your bandwidth and time taken to download the game overall. Of course I realize you aren't installing the Offline Installer files, but I am just referring to actual download time for a game. If Galaxy is doing a bit of each, as you claim, it is doing a repeat of download & install (extract) for every file ... so taking much longer downloading overall due to the install part of the process.
Or perhaps, the files are stored compressed at GOG, but extracted as they are being downloaded ... which would really make them not compressed downloads ... and taking longer to download. My belief is, sooner downloaded is best ... especially if you have a flaky connection.
toxicTom: Nowadays the Galaxy downloads are usually (a bit) smaller than offline installers.
I wonder why that might be?
I would have thought each compressed file has its own overhead, so less files (as in Offline Installer files) would mean less overhead.
I see that as a bit like a package or bucket for each file. Surely those extra buckets or packages add to the size.
i.e. 555 file packages downloaded by Galaxy, as opposed to 2 file packages (EXE + BIN) for the Offline Installer files.
And of course, that is being conservative. Bigger games have far more of each.