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low rated
TerriblePurpose: It boggles the mind that you don't see the issue here. I guess there's nothing left to discuss.
So should I also run around like a headless chicken every time some company or person does or says something that seems suspect or that I dislike? How does that help anything?

I see the issue some seem to have, and respect their rights to voice such opinions. I just think some are overreacting to this.
(and that gog users in general seem to underreact to other things to do with gog and the site in general, while we're on the topic)

Anyhoo, i'm done with this reply chain as well(for now)...going off to game and such....later, all.
Post edited December 15, 2020 by GamezRanker
GamezRanker: …content for galaxy users only…
Segregating users already?

What next?
"Games for Galaxy users only?"
"Toilets for Galaxy users only?"
"Bus seats for Galaxy users only?"
"Voting rights for Galaxy users only?"

Yeah, I'm having a fun time imagining something like this on the site's description:
"Get our optional Galaxy online client now! You may choose an option not to use Galaxy, but by doing so you are giving us the permission to piss on you and clean our boots off you because our service is for Galaxy users only! Oh, and FCK DRM!"
Post edited December 15, 2020 by Alm888
low rated
Alm888: Segregating users already?
They're called preorder(or other types of) bonuses. If you want such things you need to buy from a certain store, fulfill the requirements, etc.

That's how life works on all aspects....not everyone gets everything everyone else does. Unfortunate, but that's life.
(it'd be nice if we had star trek "cornucopia tech" and everyone could have anything and everything they want, but sadly that isn't so)
Post edited December 15, 2020 by GamezRanker
GamezRanker: Unfortunate, but that's life.
Yup, murder, treason, all bad things, big or small, are part of life, that's not new, cpt obvious.
But telling it won't protect baddies in judgements.
Maybe you're right that GOG fears nothing from the law by selling DRM, but it's still moraly bad.
Post edited December 16, 2020 by ERISS
TerriblePurpose: It boggles the mind that you don't see the issue here. I guess there's nothing left to discuss.
I know right. "But, but, but it's only cosmetics, I just don't understand why people dislike DRM on a DRM-Free site, someone please explain that to me cuz I don't get it..." For those who are a bit 'slow' at joining the dots, Tallima spelt it out perfectly in 8 words in post 114 "But the slippery slope keeps getting more slippery" People buy the GOG version of these games to get away from this "go online for single player games" cr*p without having to waste hours researching multiple community DRM, 2nd class citizen, out of date builds, etc, lists trying to figure out what the unique "not DRM BUT" catch is with the offline installer version this time...

Let's pretend Galaxy wasn't created in 2014. Now let's add internet connection required (post-download) to access online "bonus content" into the offline installers. Same functional difference as now. Only the most half-witted village idiot here would seriously try and push a weak-ass excuse of "well, uh, it's a bonus reward for downloading downloaders! It's a positive thing! We're showing you how special you are vs those smelly people using GOG Downloader / gogrepo! You should be thanking us for reminding you of your specialness!..." without being laughed at into oblivion. It is ENTIRELY about push, push, pushing Galaxy until it's "default enough" that it's no longer optional over the longer term. Some are just a little more savvy in seeing the blatantly obvious than others...
Post edited December 15, 2020 by BrianSim
Orkhepaj: I don't get what is so hard to make an automated offline installer, it just have to package the game files into an executable + data and that's all , even updates shouldn't be hard to automate
Crosmando: That would be awesome tbh. I gave up on offline installers in favor of Galaxy because having to manually download a patch everytime the game is updated is just too much busywork, but if I could have my installers plus automated patching I would definetely switch back.
if you arent using offline installers then why not use steam?
low rated
ERISS: Yup, murder, treason, all bad things, big or small, are part of life, that's not new, cpt obvious.
I stated what I did to illustrate my point....of course people know that already.

ERISS: But you won't like this protect baddies in judgements.
I'm not "protecting" anyone.....I just don't see this as as big of a deal(unless perhaps worse things come to light) as others seem to.

(btw, i've been quite vocal about various things I dislike about GOG and CDPR in the past, so i'm not like some blind fan or anything)

ERISS: Maybe you're right that GOG fears nothing from the law by selling DRM, but it's still moraly bad.
At worst it's just business(as in done to make a buck and entice customers) a coffee shop giving a free cup of coffee to their customers for every 5 purchased vs another coffee shop not doing the same thing.

Now if it were something like companies using slave labor to make their products(like Nike) then i'd be more upset.
low rated
One thing I can't understand is why some of the most angry and aggressive users in this topic are those without a valid GOG profile :D

Well, whatever ;)
Tallima: I'll just add my voice to this thread. I don't even like multiplayer content protected by DRM. But hiding cosmetics behind DRM did not make this game 100% DRM-free. That's just not cool.

If in 50 years people want to play this game but can't have those cosmetic items, it at least partially breaks their historicity argument of maintaining DRM-free games.

I'm not so upset I'll stop using GOG. But I do see yet another step out of the original 3 customer promises, all of which I consider broken to some degree, and some which were altogether tossed out, for better or for worse.

What should be a bonus of using Galaxy? Galaxy. That's it. Your games should be sold DRM-Free and your client should offer features outside of the original design of the game. Not take away features of the originally designed game for anyone not using it.
Gudadantza: If Galaxy is an optional bonus, those rewards are bonus as well. They decided to offer them under a one time Galaxy activation. They are not payed DLC's, they are rewards, gifts, offered freely to any Galaxy user. It is a harmless way not affecting to the base game. Is it right?, wrong? I do not mind. They are special extras. What about it was a Santa Claus digital Helmet?

The real extras are available to any owner of the game.

Anyway I am sure those rewards could be available in future editions of the game.

Defining this game as not 100 per cent DRM free because of this rewards is like looking at the finger while pointing to the moon and not at the moon itself. It is a banalization of what a DRM game is.

Well, This is my impopular opinion.
Just like Gwent was available drm free in the future right?
high rated
Gudadantza: One thing I can't understand is why some of the most angry and aggressive users in this topic are those without a valid GOG profile
No idea who you're referring to but I thought it would be basic common sense that if someone doesn't use Galaxy, then they'll have no need for a Galaxy profile that would otherwise sit there incorrectly showing 0hrs played on every game for eternity...
Gudadantza: If Galaxy is an optional bonus, those rewards are bonus as well. They decided to offer them under a one time Galaxy activation. They are not payed DLC's, they are rewards, gifts, offered freely to any Galaxy user. It is a harmless way not affecting to the base game. Is it right?, wrong? I do not mind. They are special extras. What about it was a Santa Claus digital Helmet?

The real extras are available to any owner of the game.

Anyway I am sure those rewards could be available in future editions of the game.

Defining this game as not 100 per cent DRM free because of this rewards is like looking at the finger while pointing to the moon and not at the moon itself. It is a banalization of what a DRM game is.

Well, This is my impopular opinion.
Truth007: Just like Gwent was available drm free in the future right?
Do you mean Gwent without Galaxy? I do not own the game, but I doubt it, because of the nature of that game by design.
low rated
BrianSim: I know right. "But, but, but it's only cosmetics, I just don't understand why people dislike DRM on a DRM-Free site, someone please explain that to me cuz I don't get it..."
That's because it is JUST cosmetics....and (imo) some people seem to be reacting like the site is turning sith levels of evil because of it.

If people want to complain, fine, but no one should rudely put down others that don't want to exhibit the same level of reaction as them.

BrianSim: For those who are a bit 'slow' at pattern recognition, joining the dots, etc, Tallima spelt it out perfectly in just 8 words in post 114 "But the slippery slope keeps getting more slippery"
The slippery slope is a fallacy for a reason.

Remember the GTA panic from decades ago, where some parents thought GTA turned people into killers? Or the satanic panic over rock music where some parents thought rock turned people to the devil? Did any of that happen(beyond maybe a few random exceptions)?

BrianSim: Only the most half-witted village idiot here would seriously try and push a weak-ass excuse of [i]"well, uh, it's a bonus reward for, uh, downloading downloaders or, uh, something.
Telling the truth and explaining things does not equal making excuses.

BrianSim: Some are just a little more savvy in seeing the blatantly obvious than others...
Or it could be that some people(generally speaking) are distrustful and just want to suspect things and assume the worst with some things.
Post edited December 15, 2020 by GamezRanker
high rated
Gudadantza: One thing I can't understand is why some of the most angry and aggressive users in this topic are those without a valid GOG profile :D

Well, whatever ;)
What is a a valid GOG profile? Do you think mine is not valid or what?
low rated
Gudadantza: One thing I can't understand is why some of the most angry and aggressive users in this topic are those without a valid GOG profile :D
What do you mean by not valid? Like deactivated profile or what?

(just curious)
high rated
GamezRanker: That's because it is JUST cosmetics....and (imo) some people seem to be reacting like the site is turning sith levels of evil because of it. If people want to complain, fine, but no one should rudely put down others that don't want to exhibit the same level of reaction as them.
I do not believe for one second that you are stupid enough to not understand it's the trend that's the issue (from tweets like this to offline installers first "accidentally" remaining outdated and now being deliberately given less content, etc), not just the individual issues themselves. Likewise for your "fallacy", what happened next for the rallying defence of "but it's only cosmetics" for first-generation micro-transactions was literally the exact opposite of a fallacy. The "alarmists" who predicted pay-to-win, "time-saver", "surprise mechanics", etc, ended up a lot more correct than the doe eyed useful idiots who went around calling everyone critical of the obvious "distrustful negative nancy's always assuming the worst"...
Post edited December 15, 2020 by BrianSim