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AtrazineFrog: I'm not meeting any DRM? Game launches without internet no prob.
Had to edit an XML file to bind ESDF in /r6/, but the game is fine launching from /bin/ and "denuvo" didn't pop up.
From what everyone says, the game indeed launches, but as the linked post in my OP indicates, there is "MY REWARDS" content for the game that is only available via connecting through Galaxy.

Since you mentioned it, Denuvo is a separate story, apparently review copies had Denuvo, but that's a different topic. The concern in my topic here is Galaxy DRM, not Denuvo DRM.
high rated
NotHero: On an amusing side note, the Rewards web page no longer has "DRM-Free Revolution" in the description of the Galaxy t-shirt. So they are at least paying attention.
You mean they're being called out on their bullshit and are trying to cover it up.
high rated
andreasmaureder: Works perfect!!
It's not "perfect" at all, because the customer shouldn't have to go through a convoluted rigamarole in order to hack a product so that it becomes DRM-free, even though it should be - and needs to be - DRM-free in the first place.

Don't get me wrong; I'm not knocking the poster who offered this workaround...rather, I'm making the point that it's not a real solution for various reasons, such as: it wastes a lot of the customer's time and energy and causes stress, and also because not every customer who wants a DRM-free product will know about the workaround, and also because there is no guarantee that it will continue to work in the future.

The only real solution would be for CDPR to patch the DRM out of the game, and issue a public apology for having put DRM into the game in the first place.
I see that too. GOG wants to be DMR-free, but makes Galaxy Compulsion. Forced activation with Galaxy does not work at all. Then what is the difference to Steam?

Why is it not offered as an Extra-Installer or activated in the Game?
Lifthrasil: No, you didn't misunderstand anything and the Why is: because GOG wants to make Galaxy more mandatory, step by step.
Does GOG want a multi-class society? One without Galaxy and one with Galaxy?

Translated with Google
Post edited December 15, 2020 by Ulf2016
Time4Tea: Because GOG seems to very badly want everyone to be using Galaxy. I'm not entirely sure why that is, but my suspicion is that they want to do away with the overhead of having to maintain the offline installers, which seem to be falling more and more behind the Galaxy files, in terms of updates. Presumably, fewer people are using them, compared with Galaxy, so their corporate calculations are telling them the offline installers are not an efficient use of resources.

It's a very sad state of affairs. The day GOG stops updating the offline installers and makes Galaxy mandatory will be the day that DRM-free on GOG dies (if that day isn't effectively here already).
Orkhepaj: I don't get what is so hard to make an automated offline installer, it just have to package the game files into an executable + data and that's all , even updates shouldn't be hard to automate
That would be awesome tbh. I gave up on offline installers in favor of Galaxy because having to manually download a patch everytime the game is updated is just too much busywork, but if I could have my installers plus automated patching I would definetely switch back.
Post edited December 15, 2020 by Crosmando
high rated
I'll just add my voice to this thread. I don't even like multiplayer content protected by DRM. But hiding cosmetics behind DRM did not make this game 100% DRM-free. That's just not cool.

If in 50 years people want to play this game but can't have those cosmetic items, it at least partially breaks their historicity argument of maintaining DRM-free games.

I'm not so upset I'll stop using GOG. But I do see yet another step out of the original 3 customer promises, all of which I consider broken to some degree, and some which were altogether tossed out, for better or for worse.

What should be a bonus of using Galaxy? Galaxy. That's it. Your games should be sold DRM-Free and your client should offer features outside of the original design of the game. Not take away features of the originally designed game for anyone not using it.
low rated
Tallima: I'll just add my voice to this thread. I don't even like multiplayer content protected by DRM. But hiding cosmetics behind DRM did not make this game 100% DRM-free. That's just not cool.

If in 50 years people want to play this game but can't have those cosmetic items, it at least partially breaks their historicity argument of maintaining DRM-free games.

I'm not so upset I'll stop using GOG. But I do see yet another step out of the original 3 customer promises, all of which I consider broken to some degree, and some which were altogether tossed out, for better or for worse.

What should be a bonus of using Galaxy? Galaxy. That's it. Your games should be sold DRM-Free and your client should offer features outside of the original design of the game. Not take away features of the originally designed game for anyone not using it.
If Galaxy is an optional bonus, those rewards are bonus as well. They decided to offer them under a one time Galaxy activation. They are not payed DLC's, they are rewards, gifts, offered freely to any Galaxy user. It is a harmless way not affecting to the base game. Is it right?, wrong? I do not mind. They are special extras. What about it was a Santa Claus digital Helmet?

The real extras are available to any owner of the game.

Anyway I am sure those rewards could be available in future editions of the game.

Defining this game as not 100 per cent DRM free because of this rewards is like looking at the finger while pointing to the moon and not at the moon itself. It is a banalization of what a DRM game is.

Well, This is my impopular opinion.
high rated
Sure, if Galaxy becomes a drm, I uninstall it and will buy elsewhere.
Hey decade ago for some years I already was almost unable to buy pc games, due to DRMs. I can quite stop buying again, searching other no-drm stores.
Post edited December 15, 2020 by ERISS
high rated
Gudadantza: Defining this game as not 100 per cent DRM free because of this rewards is like looking at the finger while pointing to the moon and not at the moon itself. It is a banalization of what a DRM game is.

Well, This is my impopular opinion.
I don't disagree with anything you said. You're right. But it's this behavior that many of us do not like and it's the behavior if other companies that DRM-free marketing would have is believe it's bad for the consumer and the ability for future generations to enjoy the same features.

I don't personally know anyone who likes bonus features. Sometimes they ruin the game of you have them, sometimes it ruins the game if you don't, sometimes it makes no difference or may enhance an experience by a specific player.

All that said, locking features behind DRM, no matter how insignificant, is still kicking a feature behind DRM. Sometimes it's necessary, sometimes it's not. This time, it wasn't necessary. So 100% DRM-Free didn't apply to this game. But it certainly rounds up to 100%.

Either way, I don't care enough to be terribly upset. But the slippery slope keeps getting more slippery. And so I think it's important for our voice to be heard.
They might end up making the MYREWARDS content available offline in future updates and DLCs, but it's still a bad move even if they fix it later. That content would have been at least temporarely DRMed, and from the house owners, not even a third party.
high rated
Gudadantza: Well, This is my impopular opinion.
You're not stating an "unpopular opinion"; rather, you're stating an objectively, verifiably false statement (even tested and confirmed!). There's no room for an opinion on this. This is DRM by any even approachingly accurate description of DRM. This isn't an edge case or a nuanced "interpretation required" oddity.

So, please, kindly, GTFO with your apologesia.
Post edited December 15, 2020 by mqstout
high rated
Gudadantza: If Galaxy is an optional bonus, those rewards are bonus as well. They decided to offer them under a one time Galaxy activation. They are not payed DLC's, they are rewards, gifts, offered freely to any Galaxy user. It is a harmless way not affecting to the base game. Is it right?, wrong? I do not mind. They are special extras. What about it was a Santa Claus digital Helmet?

The real extras are available to any owner of the game.

Anyway I am sure those rewards could be available in future editions of the game.
Who made you the arbiter of what is a "real" extra or not? That should be up to the customer to decide and the ones objecting to it should carry more weight. And isn't it rather ridiculous we are debating about "real" content for a game that should be DRM-free, by the developers who once-championed DRM-free, on the DRM-free store? Cosmetic content is content, even if the cosmetic content is insignificant compared to the scope of the game or even if the cosmetic content is tonally incongruous with the game.

Cosmetic content does affect the base game because it affects users' enjoyment of the game. Since GOG got into bed with Epic, let's use that as an you realize how much money is made on selling Fortnite skins? Since CDPR wants to be you realize how much money is made on "Shark cards" even though GTA Online is free-to-play? Why do you think so many users are buying all this stuff if there is (by your argument) no effect on their enjoyment of the game?

And I am sure those rewards COULD HAVE been available in the current edition of the game. In fact the workaround posted earlier in this topic proves that.
ChrisGriffin: Because there would be no logical reason to support GOG anymore, because they would lose their only selling point. Their game selection is inferior, their customer support is inferior, and their game update frequency is inferior.

Despite all that I'm still here, because I care about being DRM free. but the moment that goes out of the window, I initiate a refund request for my entire library and I'm moving on.
I upvoted you because I agree with you, and it sounded funny but, refund the whole library? That would be like winning the lottery to me but do you honestly think you can? Because you



low rated
Gudadantza: Well, This is my impopular opinion.
mqstout: You're not stating an "unpopular opinion"; rather, you're stating an objectively, verifiably false statement (even tested and confirmed!). There's no room for an opinion on this. This is DRM by any even approachingly accurate description of DRM. This isn't an edge case or a nuanced "interpretation required" oddity.

So, please, kindly, GTFO with your apologesia.
Wow, :D "There's no room for opinion on this", "I am objectively, verifiably wrong". "The rewards case is pure DRM" :D. "GTFO" :D

Sorry, but your post does no prove anything, it is just toxicity, lies, trolling, intolerance and bad manners. keep it civil mate, or grow up.
Rereading the details, this fits my personal heuristic to draw lines between "expansion", "dlc", and "microtransaction".

Expansion: Requires code or deep changes usually beyond what mod tools would do, or just is a ton of content.
DLC: Usually could be done by modding tools.
Microtransaction: Usually could be done by a save game editor. (Which is why it's almost always bundled alongside DRM to prevent editing the save game.)

So, in addition to the DRM in Cyberpunk 2077, it fits my personal definition of "microtransaction" (even though it's free -- it's a "first hit's free" kind).

Gudadantza: Sorry, but your post does no prove anything, it is just toxicity, lies, trolling, intolerance and bad manners. keep it civil mate, or grow up.
You're the one trolling here. You're the one dabbling in the lying territory by refusing to acknowledge facts. As for intolerance, it's not wrong to be intolerant of blantant falsehoods, especially used to strengthen those in a position of power (such as a corporation like CDPR). The growing up needs to happen with you; try some reflection and critical thought on the topic of this thread.
Post edited December 15, 2020 by mqstout