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lukaszthegreat: In Sydney it is not that noticeable but god-damn it if it is not useful in poland.

The extra one hour of sun during the day in summer is so nice. Without the time switch you would get sun super early. And nobody wants that.
Actually, summer time is the normal time, now we have less sun during the evening because of it. So you'd still have your extra sun in the summer.
DaCostaBR: It just started again this year here in Brazil, but whenever I hear about it from other places in the world I mostly see vitriol towards it, if you are one the people who hate it, why do you?

I love it, with it during summer the sun sets at 10pm at night over here, it's great!
John Oliver pretty much covers it in a nutshell pretty solid: :)
It doesn't bother me at all. The point is to get the most daylight in the times most people are awake. Makes sense to me. Maybe it causes more problems depending on where on the globe you are.
From what i recall, a lot of countries don't use DST or don't use it anymore. Mostly Europe, a great deal of the US and Canada, a really small part of Asia and Africa. Some countries never used it.

And people are hating it because it affects your internal clock twice a year.
DaCostaBR: I know, but he said "it's 4pm and it's already dark because the sun thinks it's 5pm", that's what confused me, since it's either 4pm and the sun thinks it's 4pm in regular time or it's 5pm and the sun thinks it's 4pm in DST. The way he said it made it sound like the clock was set back an hour from the actual solar time.
Green_Hilltop: Which it is, since you actually have it the other way around - and so did I, because you roll back clock when DST starts, not when it ends (I forget which is which, since the net takes care of it for me). So when DST starts you lose the hour, while in regular time you have one more hour than you have now if you're using DST - so that in wintertime you have sun when you're waking up instead of darkness (so when it's 6AM in regular time, it's 5AM in DST).

So he's right - the sun thinks it's 5PM (solar/regular time), but in DST it's 4PM.
This is starting to sound like "who's on first", so let's go back to the beginning and see if I'm getting everything.

The definition of DST is advancing your clock in the summer according to wikipedia and everything else I've ever seen, which is certainly the case here in Brazil, which gives us more sunlight in the evenings. You are saying there are places that set their clocks back instead of forward, is that it?
Post edited November 05, 2015 by DaCostaBR
I just don't think it feels natural.
Because I'm selfish and don't want to lose an hour of my precious sleep because I'm too lazy to go to bed an hour early the night before! And it's all because of those underpaid farmers who feed our country? Fuck em.

Edit: Although we can keep the part that lets me sleep an extra hour. I like that part.
Post edited November 05, 2015 by Pupcakes
Pupcakes: Because I'm selfish and don't want to lose an hour of my precious sleep because I'm too lazy to go to bed an hour early the night before! And it's all because of those underpaid farmers who feed our country? Fuck em.
farmers are actually one of the main groups who oppose DST.
arxon: farmers are actually one of the main groups who oppose DST.
That's part of my joke :( Oh no, I'm being misunderstood!
DaCostaBR: It just started again this year here in Brazil, but whenever I hear about it from other places in the world I mostly see vitriol towards it, if you are one the people who hate it, why do you?

I love it, with it during summer the sun sets at 10pm at night over here, it's great!
skeletonbow: John Oliver pretty much covers it in a nutshell pretty solid: :)
I've seen it before and that's not my question, he says "we don't need it", which true or not, doesn't explain why people hate it which was my question.

The reason people give for not liking it is usually just "it's stupid", or how awful it is to have to spend 5 min a year setting your clock forward or backwards.
arxon: farmers are actually one of the main groups who oppose DST.
Pupcakes: That's part of my joke :( Oh no, I'm being misunderstood!
oh well I'm just being stupid today :)
jadeblackhawk: Daylight savings time increases deaths via accidents, heart attacks, suicides, etc

Also, it's stupid. people who need to be up in the morning for the extra light (farmers, hunters, etc) will be up no matter what the clock says. Why not just adjust the clock a half hour and leave it alone forever.
blotunga: It's actually because of the switch not the timezone itself. Today people starting work at 9am i would prefer to have a bit more light in the evening even in winter so a permanent summer time would be best for me
? I didn't say anything about timezones
arxon: oh well I'm just being stupid today :)
No you're not, the problem is my humor is too dry. :p

But I enjoy it in my head, that's the important part right?
lukaszthegreat: In Sydney it is not that noticeable but god-damn it if it is not useful in poland.
It's not, that's my personal opinion.
DaCostaBR: So I was right the first time around, there are places where you set the clock back during DST, that was the source of confusion.

Well, if I finally understood it and am not being a dummy, it's the opposite in Brazil, we set the clocks forward so we have more sunlight in the evening, that is the sun sets at 9PM regular time, but in DST it's 10PM. If that is the case then I get now why people don't like it.
Yeah, you were right the first time around, that's how it is. :) For some reason I just felt like DST ended now for some reason when it actually begins now (I probably associated DST with summer because of the light), so we indeed roll our clock one hour back.

And it makes sense given that you're on the lower hemisphere - you probably have the seasons the other way around like Australia too, right? And different times when the sun sets and rises due to your position to the Equator, compared to Europe.