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It just started again this year here in Brazil, but whenever I hear about it from other places in the world I mostly see vitriol towards it, if you are one the people who hate it, why do you?

I love it, with it during summer the sun sets at 10pm at night over here, it's great!
It married my father for his money, then divorced him, leaving him penniless. I heard it also supports Donald Trump for U.S. President.
I don't hate it, but I dislike that you've got this one hour difference you have to get used to when it's one hour less, so you have to wake up earlier and so on.

Especially if you've got good internal time and then you have to add an hour to what you feel is the time currently, or figure out if you're feeling the 'now' time or previous time before the time change.
Because it's 4:30 PM and nearly dark outside now. It's like living in the Arctic circle.
People associate Daylight Saving with the awkward time shift, particularly the one that leaves us with one hour less sleep. But when out for an evening walk in the summer, I don't think many folks consider that that extra hour of evening daylight is the result.

If you're the type that enjoys the outdoors, then you're one of the few who enjoy clear benefits from Daylight Saving. Most of the other supposed benefits are hidden with statistics and data. That is, they aren't something someone would obviously enjoy like an evening walk.
yogsloth: Because it's 4:30 PM and nearly dark outside now. It's like living in the Arctic circle.
Daylight Saving Time is a summertime shift.

In the wintertime, noon on your clock is solar noon, more or less. So the darkness now (I feel it, too) isn't a result of DST.
Post edited November 05, 2015 by grimwerk
Shit I can't make the post I want.

Has GOG starting censoring in here?
I would keep perpetual summer time. But that's just me. Anyway it's funny that parts of Brazil use it, others don't. I just was in Manaus and they wasn't using it.
tinyE: Shit I can't make the post I want.

Has GOG starting censoring in here?
You mean your post doesn't appear? If yes, it's probably what happened to me earlier, when I couldn't see mine when this Fall sale started and then suddenly all of my posts appeared. Try again, hopefully it'll work!
We have had the whole daylight savings thing for quite a while. Change clocks in march and end of oct. original premise was for sake of farmers .....
As an innkeeper I'm a morning person and here I am at 5 am laying in bed wide awake because my body thinks it's 6 am and I have an hour to just lay here and stare at the ceiling and now I'm pissed.

Well 4 o'clock rolls around and it's pitch black outside because the sun thinks it's 5 o'clock and here I am trying to walk the dogs and feed the donkeys in the total fucking dark and now I'm super fucking pissed!

No, I don't hate daylight savings time!!! I fucking love it!!! It's my favorite fucking thing in life!!!

Okay. it went through that time. Maybe I had too many caps in it before.
Post edited November 05, 2015 by tinyE
An hour changes suddenly, it's more expensive, and when you hit an area with a lot of zones where daylight vs non-daylight savings happens, it's utterly stupid... I've seen somewhere where there's an reservation 7 levels of nested daylight/non-daylight savings zones separated by maybe 5 miles each..
tinyE: As an innkeeper I'm a morning person and here I am at 5 am laying in bed wide awake because my body thinks it's 6 am and I have an hour to just lay here and stare at the ceiling and now I'm pissed.

Well 4 o'clock rolls around and it's pitch black outside because the sun thinks it's 5 o'clock and here I am trying to walk the dogs and feed the donkeys in the total fucking dark and now I'm super fucking pissed!

No, I don't hate daylight savings time!!! I fucking love it!!! It's my favorite fucking thing in life!!!

Okay. it went through that time. Maybe I had too many caps in it before.
I can't always tell if you are being sarcastic or not, so pardon me if I misunderstood you, but what you are saying sounds like the clocks being one hour backwards and not the DST case of one hour forward.
blotunga: I would keep perpetual summer time. But that's just me. Anyway it's funny that parts of Brazil use it, others don't. I just was in Manaus and they wasn't using it.
That one is because areas near the Equator don't see much of a difference in sunlight between summer and and winter, so I guess they thought there was no point, only the Southern part of the country uses it. Although, yes, if it was me I would adopt it regardless, it just feels like you can get so much more done in a day with it.
Post edited November 05, 2015 by DaCostaBR
tinyE: As an innkeeper I'm a morning person and here I am at 5 am laying in bed wide awake because my body thinks it's 6 am and I have an hour to just lay here and stare at the ceiling and now I'm pissed.

Well 4 o'clock rolls around and it's pitch black outside because the sun thinks it's 5 o'clock and here I am trying to walk the dogs and feed the donkeys in the total fucking dark and now I'm super fucking pissed!

No, I don't hate daylight savings time!!! I fucking love it!!! It's my favorite fucking thing in life!!!

Okay. it went through that time. Maybe I had too many caps in it before.
DaCostaBR: I can't always tell if you are being sarcastic or not, so pardon me if I misunderstood you, but what you are saying sounds like the clocks being one hour backwards and not the DST case of one hour forward.
blotunga: I would keep perpetual summer time. But that's just me. Anyway it's funny that parts of Brazil use it, others don't. I just was in Manaus and they wasn't using it.
DaCostaBR: That one is because areas near the Equator don't see much of a difference in sunlight between summer and and winter, so I guess they thought there was no point, only the Southern part of the country uses it. Although, yes, if it was me I would adopt it regardless, it just feels like you can get so much more done in a day with it.
Yeah. we just set ours back one hour. That's the only part that really pisses me off.

And while I do hate it, I was trying to be comical with my freak out there. :P
It’s just an annoyance without any tangible benefits, for me at least. It’s a pain to correct the time on each clock, including some websites that don’t do this properly. What annoys me more about this is that it’s just one of those things in life that will probably not change anymore in my lifetime, even if they are arbitrary.
Because there is PDT, there is PST, there is GMT and millions other abbreviations. It makes calculating global time difference a difficult task. Then one of my phones has hardcoded daylight saving time change, while our country decided against it, and I didn't touch other phone's clock because it would mean resynchronization of authentication services, etc.

In ideal world every country should decide against seasonal corrections of clock and use one standard of global time clock instead of many millions of them.