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It's an alright film, but it only got made because The Real Ghostbusters proved to be such a big hit.
Something that really bugged me about the film was the end fly-by scene of the statue of liberty. I couldn't figure how they thought it possible for the statue to climb down from that massive, uhm, pedestal I guess:

Apart from that I really liked it. Not as good as the first, but still pretty damn awesome.
Sequels always get a bad rap. So many of them are bad that everybody assumes that none of them are good anymore.
Was Northern Exposure any good?
KoreaBeat: Ghostbusters 2 is ok, there are plenty of things to like about it, but is also pretty much just a remake of the first one. And the whole idea of the opening, where the Ghostbusters have disbanded for stupid reasons, is awful. Once they are back together it's pretty good.
mystikmind2000: Stupid motivations for things in order to prepare the story happens in even the best of films.... look at Darth Vaders lame motivation for turning evil in starwars..... Mom getting forgotten and left to rot as a slave while he works for the most powerful organization in the universe? And in the technologically advanced universe you cannot pick up a phone and tell your son you got married? hmmm, ok i can understand him killing the savage creatures that killed his mom, but what the hell is that running of and killing all the child Jedi? Its a real half assed job to set the scene for the main story.
If we're talking about anything set in interstellar space (i.e. Star Wars), no, you can't just call somebody on the phone; information can't, according to the laws of physics, travel faster than light. Hence, such a phone call would not work unless some way around that law of physics has been developed.

Also, there's the whole issue of aiming the call in the right direction.
Emachine9643: Was Northern Exposure any good?
Best series that ever existed

Mooses ftw.
timppu: It is like all those movies where some alien meteor explodes and hits the ground, there's some or several dumbasses who go to look at it, and keep looking at it when some alien lifeform comes out of the pit and sucks their brains out. It is like no one cares about their own safety at all.
Well, people nowadays stay by accidents, fights and such by filming them with their smartphone instead of thinking of their security so in some ways, this Hollywood cliché was kind of visionary and became the norm :o)


Anyway, I saw Ghostbusters 2 in the theaters back in the days then and liked it as it was an OK flick and didn't saw the first one yet. I actually even think I never saw the first Ghostbusters fully, just some bits here and there when there are re-runs on TV.
Crewdroog: thoroughly enjoyed the lively debate concerning statue of liberty vs stay-puft.
The difference being that Stay-Puft was a brilliant and totally absurd concept, whereas the Statue of Liberty was more along the lines of 'this will look good on a tee shirt'. Hence the digression and slow decline of Ghostbusters. Same goes for pretty much every Hollywood franchise sooner or later.

Proton packs, Slimer's spinoff show and the overall opinion of male vs female audience demographics... none of those things mean shit. What mattered was Aykroyd's ridiculous idea for a movie about a bunch of blue collar guys catching ghosts. Then Reitman and Ramis added the going into business idea as a foundation for a believable and fun ghost catching comedy with some light horror elements.
Breja: Ok, is not liking Sigourney Weaver even legal?
I didn't like her (nor others) in the Ghostbusters movies specifically. She was great in Alien and Aliens, for example.

Then again I've never found her that (sexually) appealing that she's made in many movies, including Ghostbusters. I don't care if she is 7 feet 8 inches, still meh. She's better as an alien-killing badass than a love interest of Bill Murray, then again I guess they both have about as much of sex appeal. Was it at the end of the first or second Ghostbusters where Sigourney and Bill kiss each other? It looked like they are thinking "Sigh, let's be done with this kissing scene, happy thoughts, another place...". About as much sexual spark as between Roger Moore and Grace Jones in "A View to a Kill".

In the first Alien movie, Sigourney was pretty sexy though.
Post edited August 11, 2016 by timppu
You can read these IMDB reviews and maybe you'll understand. Not that they all explain why they hated, but I found some with some glimmer of explanation.
timppu: It is like all those movies where some alien meteor explodes and hits the ground, there's some or several dumbasses who go to look at it, and keep looking at it when some alien lifeform comes out of the pit and sucks their brains out. It is like no one cares about their own safety at all.
catpower1980: Well, people nowadays stay by accidents, fights and such by filming them with their smartphone instead of thinking of their security so in some ways, this Hollywood cliché was kind of visionary and became the norm :o)
That's a good point, I admit. I guess in Europe people used to run away from terrorist bomb attacks, but nowadays they might run towards the explosion, just to get juicy Youtube videos of severed limbs and heads.

As they say, a terrorist bomb attack never hits the same spot twice, at least on the same day.
KoreaBeat: Ghostbusters 2 is ok, there are plenty of things to like about it, but is also pretty much just a remake of the first one. And the whole idea of the opening, where the Ghostbusters have disbanded for stupid reasons, is awful. Once they are back together it's pretty good.
The reasons for disbanding are pretty dumb, but it did lead to a few funny things at least. Murray's talkshow for example.
Because a lot of people take their movies far too seriously in my opinion. I have my favourite movies as well but don't grow a fit when a sequel disappoints, as with the Alien, Terminator or Star Trek franchises.

I did like the first Ghostbusters movie more than the sequel, but as a kid the sequel was still entertaining.
Today, as an adult, I don't like any of them. To me all the movies are quite bad compared to the magazines.
Post edited August 11, 2016 by Ricky_Bobby
zeogold: Sequels always get a bad rap.
You mean like this? ;)
Emachine9643: Was Northern Exposure any good?
I live that show. :P

Everyone who comes up here says this place reminds them of it.