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I didn't even know that there seems to be a general dislike for Ghostbusters 2 untill the media buzz for the new reboot started. Then I noticed in a lot of comments, and sometimes in articles and news too that there the 1989 sequel seems to get a lot of bad press. It really surprised me, because I din't remember it being bad at all. But I though "hey, maybe I was just a dumb kid, maybe it really doesn't hold up?" So I rewatched both movies recently and... I still don't get it. It may not be quite as good as the first, but there is no huge drop in quality here, and definately nothing to warrant outright hostility. In fact, as sequels go, it's really one of the better ones. The cast is all there, the visuals are good, it's still funny, what's the problem? The only real difference I've noticed is that the second movie leans a bit more towards the horror side of things. It's not outright scary, but there is a lot of really creepy/messed up stuff (likr the heads on pikes in the subway), and some of the jokes are quite dark (like the Titanic scene, which I really liked by the way). So is that it?
i always liked it

the only thing i always disliked was that in the first 30 minutes the ghostbsuters were exposed as "frauds" after the first movie and had to prove themselves all over again
would have been just easier to say that the ghost activity dried up after gozer and with it their business

but i think its a solid sequel

The Statue Of Liberty walking around NYC? Give me a fucking break!
Post edited August 11, 2016 by tinyE
Because sadly many people lack imagination..... probably the same people who dislike Transformers movies.

That does not mean there are not some science fiction movies that don't deserve being disliked, such as Superman3!
Post edited August 11, 2016 by mystikmind2000

The Statue Of Liberty walking around NYC? Give me a fucking break!
Yeah, so unrealistic and goofy. Now the marshmallow man- that was some hard science.
I don't see any issues with Ghostbusters 2. I mean certainly there's things that don't feel like they belong. The whole way the trial went with the bookkeeper being a lawyer, him and the secretary effectively having sex while watching the baby. More thrown in jokes. Negative vs Positive slime. Cringe worthy moments.

As for why it's hated... I don't know. Parts of it feel rushed, but drop what I've mentioned and it's still a decent movie; Albeit not a horror film like the first one.
rtcvb32: I don't see any issues with Ghostbusters 2. I mean certainly there's things that don't feel like they belong. The whole way the trial went with the bookkeeper being a lawyer
Oh come on. His "once I turned into a dog and they helped me" speech was one of the funniest scenes in the movie :D

The Statue Of Liberty walking around NYC? Give me a fucking break!
Breja: Yeah, so unrealistic and goofy. Now the marshmallow man- that was some hard science.
Every time I mention how stupid the Statue of Liberty scene was, some wise guy has to pull the Marshmallow Man out of his ass. :P

At least the Marshmallow Man had, you know, LEGS!!! XD
There was the Statue of Liberty walking around like she had legs, but she doesn't! All that is, is a copper shell. There aren't legs behind that gown, just rivets and steel. It would have actually been less offensive if they had her levitate around the city; at least that wouldn't have involved non existent appendages.
rtcvb32: I don't see any issues with Ghostbusters 2. I mean certainly there's things that don't feel like they belong. The whole way the trial went with the bookkeeper being a lawyer, him and the secretary effectively having sex while watching the baby. More thrown in jokes. Negative vs Positive slime. Cringe worthy moments.

As for why it's hated... I don't know. Parts of it feel rushed, but drop what I've mentioned and it's still a decent movie; Albeit not a horror film like the first one.
People think the first movie was a horror flick?
Breja: Yeah, so unrealistic and goofy. Now the marshmallow man- that was some hard science.
tinyE: Every time I mention how stupid the Statue of Liberty scene was, some wise guy has to pull the Marshmallow Man out of his ass. :P

At least the Marshmallow Man had, you know, LEGS!!! XD
There was the Statue of Liberty walking around like she had legs, but she doesn't! All that is, is a copper shell. There aren't legs behind that gown, just rivets and steel. It would have actually been less offensive if they had her levitate around the city; at least that wouldn't have involved non existent appendages.
You're seriously the last person I would expect to be the joyless ass who nitpicks at realism in Ghostbusters :D Newsflash, Star Wars fan- there's no sound in space! :P
tinyE: Every time I mention how stupid the Statue of Liberty scene was, some wise guy has to pull the Marshmallow Man out of his ass. :P

At least the Marshmallow Man had, you know, LEGS!!! XD
There was the Statue of Liberty walking around like she had legs, but she doesn't! All that is, is a copper shell. There aren't legs behind that gown, just rivets and steel. It would have actually been less offensive if they had her levitate around the city; at least that wouldn't have involved non existent appendages.
Breja: You're seriously the last person I would expect to be the joyless ass who nitpicks at realism in Ghostbusters :D Newsflash, Star Wars fan- there's no sound in space! :P
I'm not being joyless, I'm laughing my ass off right now.

Look, I think it sucked. XD I'm sorry friend, we can't agree on everything.
I thought both Ghostbusters 1&2 sucked. The naivety and stupidity of both movies, argh! I didn't even like any of the four actors in the Ghostbusters team, nor Sigourney. The actors didn't really seem to be having fun making the movie, and there was absolutely no spark between Bill Murray and Sigourney Weaver. And that toddler in the second movie was ugly.

When there's a apocalyptic fight ongoing in some tower building, big pieces of concrete falling from the sky and the road crumbling away, why the heck is there still a big audience of people just standing there, watching and screaming? Shouldn't they have, like, fled the place to all directions when all the action started?

It is like all those movies where some alien meteor explodes and hits the ground, there's some or several dumbasses who go to look at it, and keep looking at it when some alien lifeform comes out of the pit and sucks their brains out. It is like no one cares about their own safety at all.
Post edited August 11, 2016 by timppu
Breja: You're seriously the last person I would expect to be the joyless ass who nitpicks at realism in Ghostbusters :D Newsflash, Star Wars fan- there's no sound in space! :P
tinyE: I'm not being joyless, I'm laughing my ass off right now.

Look, I think it sucked. XD I'm sorry friend, we can't agree on everything.
Of course not, and I don't have a problem with that. I'm just really surprised that you of all people would nitpick at such stuff :D

timppu: I thought both Ghostbusters 1&2 sucked. The naivety and stupidity of both movies, argh! I didn't even like any of the four actors in the Ghostbusters team, nor Sigourney.
Ok, is not liking Sigourney Weaver even legal? I mean seriously, have you seen A Year of Living Dangerously? Because I can't belive anyone could see that and not like her at least a little?
Post edited August 11, 2016 by Breja
Breja: Yeah, so unrealistic and goofy. Now the marshmallow man- that was some hard science.
tinyE: Every time I mention how stupid the Statue of Liberty scene was, some wise guy has to pull the Marshmallow Man out of his ass. :P

At least the Marshmallow Man had, you know, LEGS!!! XD
There was the Statue of Liberty walking around like she had legs, but she doesn't! All that is, is a copper shell. There aren't legs behind that gown, just rivets and steel. It would have actually been less offensive if they had her levitate around the city; at least that wouldn't have involved non existent appendages.
Well actually, what you have is half a statue of liberty with imaginary legs verses and entirely imaginary marshmallow man with imaginary legs. So why is the statue of liberty more ridiculous? its less ridiculous by over half a body!
tinyE: Every time I mention how stupid the Statue of Liberty scene was, some wise guy has to pull the Marshmallow Man out of his ass. :P

At least the Marshmallow Man had, you know, LEGS!!! XD
There was the Statue of Liberty walking around like she had legs, but she doesn't! All that is, is a copper shell. There aren't legs behind that gown, just rivets and steel. It would have actually been less offensive if they had her levitate around the city; at least that wouldn't have involved non existent appendages.
mystikmind2000: Well actually, what you have is half a statue of liberty with imaginary legs verses and entirely imaginary marshmallow man with imaginary legs. So why is the statue of liberty more ridiculous? its less ridiculous by over half a body!
This is hands down the strangest argument I've ever been part of. :P