IXBlackWolfXI: My character's build is as follows:
Rogue 3 Ranger 1
10 str
14 constitution
17 dex (originally 16)
14 int
10 wis
12 cha
Skills investments: Disable device, heal, hide, listen, open lock, move silently, persuade, search, spot tumble
Feats taken: great fortitude, weapon finesse
Okay, sorry to take so long - family commitments:
First off, it's been a long time since I've played NWN, but when I did, I played it exclusively for about 3 years. I may make a few errors, but it's not intentional.
Second: forget about combining Ranger with Rogue. It sounds like a good idea, and looks good on paper, but Rangers in NWN1 are pretty much useless. Rogue/Fighter is a far better combination.
Third: since your character is an Elf, you're getting a 20% experience point penalty right now. Elves' favored class is Wizard, so if you take class combos with base classes other than that, you must keep them in 'balance', which means they can never be more than one level apart or you'll get hit with an XP penalty of 20%. Companions also eat up a portion of the XP you'd get, so that's a double hit. But the game's designed with the idea you'd take a companion, so no need to worry about that too much.
Elf isn't a bad choice if you're playing a Rogue, as they make great Rogues if you build them right. I'd suggest going Rogue/Fighter. Start with Rogue, then either go with Fighter or another Rogue level, then start alternating them as you level up. Never have more than one level of separation, so you avoid the XP penalty.
For skills, forget about Persuade. You can get some mileage out of it, yes, but the rewards aren't worth the investment of skill points. You can also drop Spot and just keep Listen (this still allows you to hear enemies, which is good enough). Don't bother with Heal either. You need all your skill points for Rogue skills: Disable, Listen, Open Locks, Search, Hide, Move Silently, Use Magic Device, Tumble. Believe it or not, if you have skill points left over (you probably won't), Spellcraft is also something to consider.
Have to go for now, but I'll try to get back later with a build and some more suggestions.