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low rated
I find most youtubers to be retarded and with toxic fanboy base, the whole give streamers games before every1 else thing should lead to execution. They even suck at gaming, nothing more frustrating than watch someone play like a tard
Oh yeah? Well, they hate you back! What do you think about that, huh?
Possible reasons:

1. It depends on the Youtuber
2. The fanbase that worship them probably have too much time on their hands or are students
3. It's less riskier to give non-technical celebrities and influencers a free product than to give it to an actual tech or game journalist / reviewer who might chew it apart and backfire your marketing.
4. Some streamers / Youtubers play obnoxiously for their kid and teenage demographics - it's all an act because their main job is to entertain. I bet most of them are normally-adjusted people like you and me.
5. They're worshipped because kids and teens find them relatable, cool, and a baseline to establish their identity just like kids in the 1960-2000s who watched TV and admired celebrities. Except that being a Youtuber is more accessible and easier to befriend, so possibly easier to self-insert and relate to them.
Post edited July 30, 2021 by MeowCanuck
Why not?, why actors, singers,... could be but not them ?
Post edited July 30, 2021 by Mugiwarah
here are the YouTube groups I've enjoyed during different time periods (since they tend to change - members leave or personalities or content choices change): theRadBrad's 2010-2012, Achievement Hunter's 2012-2014 content, Inside-Gaming's 2013-2014 content (Bruce James Adam), Funhaus's 2015-~2018 content (check out their Drunk stuff), JonTron pre-2015 or 16-ish (nothing having to do with his politics though), OneyPlays when Zach is there (especially Chris, Zach, and Tomar). And I'll listen to C*mtown podcast uploads sometimes or clips

I don't really care if someone is bad at the game, I watch for the comedic chemistry and interactions. Streamers on the other hand I don't really get since often they stream alone and have nobody to "bounce off" of.
youtubers are worshipped?

there are a couple I like to watch / listen to every now and then (look up for example NerdCubed, Z1 Gaming, Real Civil Enginer, Arty's Corporate Fiction among others) but I can hardly say I worship them. No more than I worship a good TV or radio show.
low rated
toupz111: I find most youtubers to be retarded and with toxic fanboy base, the whole give streamers games before every1 else thing should lead to execution. They even suck at gaming, nothing more frustrating than watch someone play like a tard
The overwhelming majority of humans are entertained by the most retarded things, and the more retarded something is, the more entertaining they find it. After all, half of America's Funniest Home Videos was just men getting hit in the balls.

The point of giving youtubers free games is that their fanbase are usually people who are so stupid that they want to imitate anything they see. Hence why you have follow up videos after one youtuber puts a battery in a microwave of other retards putting batteries in their microwave. So a youtuber who plays a video game makes their fanbase want to play the game.

We used to do that in old movies, the lead would hold up a pepsi can after blasting away the bad guys and say "remember kids, if you want to be cool drink a pepsi." Amazingly, this type of advertising was so effective they actually banned it.
low rated
Thanks guys me understand now :)
I don't think anyone worships them, maybe entertained by them at most ! i don't check much at all but a little to keep me informed but all i see is:

1. Rampant clickbait that is so bad that it can honestly fuck right off.

2. Uninformed information and stupid opinions.

3. Few vids stick out from the run of the mill channels that regurgitate same shit without anything original to say, most are just hive minds.
Post edited July 30, 2021 by ChrisGamer300
ChrisGamer300: I don't think anyone worships them, maybe entertained by them at most ! i don't check much at all but a little to keep me informed but all i see is:

1. Rampant clickbait that is so bad that it can honestly fuck right off.

2. Uninformed information and stupid opinions.

3. Few vids stick out from the run of the mill channels that regurgitate same shit without anything original to say, most are just hive minds.
They do worship them
what else would be following someone they only watched videos ,yet defending them blindly sould be called?
simping is huge , it is like most people are born to be slaves without their own opinions or thinking
People who watch other people play video games instead of playing them yourself and making your own judements almost always have a passive, effeminate, childish personality.

I think many so-called "gamers" nowadays are more interested in the "gaming community culture" surrounding gaming (youtubers, streamers, discord channels) than they are about the games themselves.
Post edited July 30, 2021 by Crosmando
It really depends. Yeah, a lot of them are pretty moronic but there are also some top ones that do a lot of good. Dude Perfect is my favorite of the top ones since they're just innocent/family friendly fun that encourages people to live life. Of smaller channels, I particularly like LGR for his retro tech and game discussions. For humor, channels like CallMeKevin are my usual go-to since his self-deprecating humor and personality (he's Irish but doesn't go over-the-top with things like one other I could mention) are enjoyable to watch.

I do agree, though, that people treat these Youtubers and all social media "influencers" (I DESPISE that term), for that matter, like they're something glorious. Some of them truly are good human beings but a lot of them are just attention hogs or they make over-the-top content where they act like total morons and thus they attract toxic crowds of edgy kids/teens as well as the neckbeards who simp for them, thinking they'll eventually receive something in return.
I don't know why people hero worship anyone. Get off your lazy ass and do something yourself. It's likes caring more about the horseshit rather than the horse. Which reminds me, this song pretty much sums it up:
Post edited July 30, 2021 by CMOT70
ChrisGamer300: I don't think anyone worships them, maybe entertained by them at most !
Excuse me but I have a 9 y.o. nephew and when I look at the kind of shit he usually watches on youtube I can't agree with you at all. Thankfully he apparently got over the latest round of morons but I believe it won't take long for him to find another gathering of 15-18 year old idiots to scream aimlessly at each other and act like they are brain-damaged 6 y.o. while playing his favorite MMO minecraft clone in the foreground.
Maybe MeowCanuck is right and they are normal, decent people when the cameras are turned off, but they are still doing a disservice to those kids by setting the lowest possible bar for admiration of a human being. As an example, one of these "teen influencers" (yuck) once published a video of him filling a bathtub with Nutella and diving in it just to make the video. Just for the views. Just for the money of the high views. What do the next generation get from watching these morons? (Thankfully my nephew never followed this particular guy)


I never understood why but some people have their life goal and/or measure of success to be FAMOUS, not as a side effect of having accomplished something remarkable but as their primary motivation. I've seen troves of people whose only life goal is that people everywhere who they will never even meet get to know their faces.

So I think the highly impressionable newest generation acknowledges them as people who have achieved that, and thus they want to be like them and that leads to these cases of subcelebrity worship. *barf* These people always existed, but in the past they wouldn't have a way to spread their message (their utterly useless, empty message). The advent of the Internet and a camera in every cellphone came to change that and now every retard can put a video out there and hope to get lucky. A few do.

With that said, hidden among the chaff there are real gems (yay for mixed analogies). People who have actual content. I didn't watch much of TotalBiscuit before he died (mostly because his videos had no subtitles and I still struggle with translating heard english sometimes), but I really liked what I got from him.
Post edited July 30, 2021 by joppo