tralala123: Hello, first ...exuse my language, i am from cyrilic country, Bulgaria, the first country in the fuckin Europe. So, what i want to ask. Steam have some region prices, its not fair too, we was 45 years komunizm with SSSR, now all SSSR country have discount, we havent. OK, fuck steam. Second, i live in bulgaria, i will not tell you what is my sellarry, but , 3-4 euro for game on 16-17 years is TOO MUCH for me. I am in pc from 30 years, was priate 29 years, but this prices is killikmg me. I have more than 100 games on steam and around 40 games on gog. but, do yuu know what is middle selllary in Bulgaria ???????? 250 euro !!!!!!!!!! OTher, Rumania, Hungary, Poland , Cheh are in EU too , like us, but they got most of them games on them mother language. I am agree, to pay more money, byt to get my game on bylgarian !!!!! Dont forget, that we, bulgarians are make the fucking cyrlicis, the brothers Kiril and Metodiy, born in Solun, bylgarian town in third bylgaraan empire .!!! Dont need spam, preffer someone from cdproject to explain me whty we are fucked :)
Cheers and have good day.
Excuse your киррилический country, but you sound exactly like you are from Ukraine...
But .... I must still disappoint you... : (((
Because the true reason for Rus regional discount is not the fact, that Russia was oppressed for 80 years by
The true reason is because ...
ordered this. True story..
. Правда, правда.