TheMonkofDestiny: I buy music (not that this is a declaration of betterment over those that don't - it's just to answer the question posed in the title - at the end of the day, it's your money and you damn sure can spend it however you choose). Over the years, my tastes have strongly shifted toward soundtracks and scores for a number of media - whether that's games or otherwise.
There's not a lot to say on this that hasn't been said already, so what I have left is going to seem very disconnected and I apologize for that.
The people writing and performing that music get paid by the people that hired them and they may (or may not) get paid when a copy of a game/film/etc. is sold. Not every person working as a composer has the luxury of signing contracts that allow them a percentage of sales of the product their work appears in. Some may not even realize they have such an option for that at all.
For those people, the notion of them continuing to make a living in their chosen profession is dependent on people buying their music, not simply stopping at the game level and then going "Like I'd pay $5-7 for music I can just extract from the game data. Eat shit, you already got my ~$30-60." The payout distributions on the game sales aren't even favorable a lot of the times, with publishers (if any are involved) eating into a chunk and distributors (as evidenced as much as recently with Valve's restructure on Steam revenue share) taking sizable percentages as well. When shaving out all that, a composer who (in theory) might have been paid a moderate three figure sum for anywhere from months to a year+ of work could end up with a fraction of what they were paid initially.
Being a fan of soundtracks is also an increasingly cost prohibitive hobby, especially if you fall into the "likes a physical product" category. With vinyls going anywhere from $25-30+ (not even including shipping costs), imports being incredibly jacked up (not to mention the fun underside of bootlegging that runs rampant in that circle) and some composers deciding that $10+ for digital products only is the norm that every potential customer can afford to pay, it's hard to not feel like you're standing in a torrent of crap designed to make you feel bad for being a supportive fan who wasn't born into money or lucky enough to have a spare house full of cash to blow on your hobby.
This and you have to in acount of pirated games that a lot of people download, which is a lot of money that is not going towards the people who had made the components of the game. And only recently did services like Spotifiy allows video game music, and a very limited selection also, on their platform.
Also this
TheMonkofDestiny: "Like I'd pay $5-7 for music I can just extract from the game data. Eat shit, you already got my ~$30-60."
Is highly unethical and should be frowned upon. The reason for this is that if this person likes the soundtrack and does this, it is not supporting the people who had made it in the first place, which means the people that made loss movitavtion to continue making new music in the future, because there is no money to be made. Which means that everyone that actually bought the soundtrack loses out in the end.
Also, its their money let them buy what ever they want, it does not effect you at all.