Leroux: Exactly, as a package, to be enjoyed as a whole in-game - not for you to extract the music from the game files and listen to it separately on your mp3 player as if it was a regular album you bought. Anyway, I'm not telling you you can't do that; I don't care, do whatever floats your boat, I'm not even judging. Just saying some people would prefer to buy the music officially instead of searching through the encrypted or packaged game files, or to reward the composer more directly. Franky, we don't really know how the contracts between dev studios and composers usually look like and how well the latter are paid for their music (then again, if the soundtrack is sold as DLC as opposed to e.g. on Bandcamp, we don't really know if or how much of the money goes to the composer either ...)
And if the music files were freely available in the "Music" folder where the game is installed, would that be any different?
Just recently, I have extracted the music from Shadowgrounds simply by using RAR. Something like 6 mouse clicks and one drag&drop. You don't have to be a hacker to do it.
Of course you can send more money to the author you adore. You can monetarily support anyone you want. I'm just saying that I have paid for the music once already (by buying the game) so why would I pay for it again (unless I wanted to support the author more). And I seriously doubt anyone would make music for a game if they weren't getting paid.
dtgreene: I haven't played Hollow Knight (other than just trying it out), but I *love* the soundtrack. If the soundtrack is good enough, and if it is of a type of music I like, then I might buy it.
The soundtrack for Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap includes a whole bunch of tracks that are not in the game; many seem to be experiments before they settled on how they wanted the in-game music to sound.
Undertale's soundtrack contains at least one track (Song That Might Play When You Fight Sans) that is not in the actual game (not even in the data files). Conversely, the data files contain at least one track (mus_kingdescription.ogg is the filename) that is not in the soundtrack (it's not actually used in the game, either).
I can see the point in that. Exclusive, additional, different or alternative versions of tracks that are only a part of the soundtrack you can buy. Why not? But buying the same thing that is already present on your hard drive just seems pointless.
idbeholdME: The owners of the game already have it
Ancient-Red-Dragon: That's not an accurate statement.
Depends. You have the music files on your hard drive in any way, shape or form. No way around it.
Of course you don't "own" the tracks themselves but you have relatively easy access to them (usually) and you can just take them and use them. If it is for my personal use (and I have bought the game of course) I feel absolutely no regrets. I have already supported the authors by buying the game. I'm just using the thing I had paid for.