Posted June 18, 2019
BreOl72: That's simply showing the space used.
You can attach pictures of (I believe) up to 500kb - and add these up to four or five pictures per comment.
Depending on your picture's size, of course.
Once the 2MB limit/comment is reached, you'll have to post more pictures in a different comment.
But that's not the problem here...when you say it doesn't give you some other messages.
Ah, that's the problem, my screenshoot is above 500 kb.You can attach pictures of (I believe) up to 500kb - and add these up to four or five pictures per comment.
Depending on your picture's size, of course.
Once the 2MB limit/comment is reached, you'll have to post more pictures in a different comment.
But that's not the problem here...when you say it doesn't give you some other messages.