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ZFR: A 5 (or 6) vs 1 will give Town a relatively high chance of getting a flawless win.
Lifthrasil: How? D1 is basically chance, since there isn't much to analyze. So at 7 players, one of which is scum, Town has approximately a 1/7 chance for a flawless win.
Which compared to 0 flawless wins in 70 games is relatively high.
Lifthrasil: How? D1 is basically chance, since there isn't much to analyze. So at 7 players, one of which is scum, Town has approximately a 1/7 chance for a flawless win.
ZFR: Which compared to 0 flawless wins in 70 games is relatively high.
OK. True. With more than one Mafia a flawless win is almost impossible for Town.
ZFR: Which compared to 0 flawless wins in 70 games is relatively high.
Lifthrasil: OK. True. With more than one Mafia a flawless win is almost impossible for Town.
One game I hosted, first Townie got NKed N3. So possible in a way. Still much lower than 1/7
Lifthrasil: Will the game get any flavour?
Not sure really. Maybe, but no promises.

ZFR: A 5 (or 6) vs 1 will give Town a relatively high chance of getting a flawless win.
Yeah, but 5:2 or 6:2 is nonsense. The "classic" vanilla setup is 10:2, but even that's considered pretty hard for the town.

bucktoothgamer: This seems like a noce pallette cleanser after the role madness game.

I'm hesitant to jump right in with such a small sign up list, rather give room to someone who may have not gotten a chance to play the last game.

If you need to fill a spot in the final hours I'll gladly jump in, but I'd be glad to observe if possible as well.
The game size is flexible, 7 is just the bare minimum I need. Sign up and I'll expand the game if others come along!
Post edited October 31, 2020 by my name is vaughlte catte
my name is vaughlte catte: - a brain (so I'm afraid our favourite potion selling bots are excluded).
What about human ex-potion merchants with a penchant for sampling their own wares? o.0
my name is vaughlte catte: While it's common for mafia games to include power roles that allow certain players specific actions at night, this game will be vanilla only (sometimes known as a Mountainous setup). The only thing happening at night will be the mafia's night kill and the townies have only their wits to help them.
Can it be chocolate or swirl instead....I so love swirl(to any who don't know, that's a mix of choc and vanilla ice cream or soft serve).
my name is vaughlte catte: 73. Even this one.
Dang, that's a lot of hidden puts all other game's rule lists to shame. :)
my name is vaughlte catte: Signed up:
Feel free to sign me up for slot Z for *zalgo text*

(Sorry if that makes all text unintelligible from that point on, OP ;))

(Also check yer PM box in a sec, and accept my friend invite if need be...I have something to ask in private)

ZFR: So the "better" strategy would be to just lynch randomly.
So then taking a page from the GH playbook? ;D
Post edited October 31, 2020 by GymHenson
I enjoyed the last game very much. I'd be honored to be included in this one.
Engerek01: I enjoyed the last game very much. I'd be honored to be included in this one.
bucktoothgamer: If you need to fill a spot in the final hours I'll gladly jump in, but I'd be glad to observe if possible as well.
A humble suggestion: You could always sign up to be a sub(substitute) if the game needs one. :)


To all:

By Op's(Catte's) kind purr-mission, I will be holding a giveaway in the signups while the game runs. :)
(Please read all of this post carefully)

Eligible Entrants

All players of the game will be entered, and also subs and observers too. Even players who have been lynched or NK will still be eligible and entered in each draw.

Winners may choose to either keep their prize, take the code and give it to another gogger/friend, or pass it to another player/sub/observer who is eligible.


1.The prize for each "day/night" cycle in the mafia game will be a GOG game, which I will pick and list here in this post every game "day".

2. There might also be a "special prize" at the end of the game as well. :)

How/when winners will be drawn
During each "night" I will randomly draw the winner and award the code sometime before the start of the next "day". Then another code will be picked from my code pile and listed here, and the cycle will continue

Misc Important Info

Entrants must add me via friend invite so I can send them codes if they least while the game and giveaway is running.

Opted In
(Everyone who is eligible is on this list by default unless opted out, but this is a list of those who said yes for certain, for my own note keeping)

1. Bucktooth
2. Gogtrial
3. Lift
4. Microfish

Opted Out

1. Engerek
3. ZFR

Main Contestant Listing
(opted in and those not opted out)

1. Bucktooth
3. Dedo
4. Gogtrial
5. JoeSapphire
6. Joppo
7. Korotan
8. Lift
9. Microfish
10. nMillar
11. Pookina
Post edited November 22, 2020 by GymHenson
ZFR: sign me up.
Hey Bruh....if you get a minute, make sure to read post 23 if you could. :)
trentonlf: Count me in :-)
You too...if you could read post 23(second part) i'd appreciate it :)

Lifthrasil: Will the game get any flavour?
It got super surprise giveaway flavor...that count?
(Also plz read post 23 as well :))

bucktoothgamer: If you need to fill a spot in the final hours I'll gladly jump in, but I'd be glad to observe if possible as well.
I'd like it if you could read post 23 as well.
(including the "to all" I decided to let you be part of that too :))

Engerek01: I enjoyed the last game very much. I'd be honored to be included in this one.
And we'd be honored to have you :)

(Also plz make sure to read the second part of post 23 as well :))
Post edited October 31, 2020 by GymHenson
GymHenson: ...

(Also plz make sure to read the second part of post 23 as well :))
That's very generous of you. I would rather opt-out for this giveaway, in favor of giving another one more chance who has time to play games :)
Engerek01: That's very generous of you. I would rather opt-out for this giveaway, in favor of giving another one more chance who has time to play games :)
That's very kind of you. I will note it in my list. :)
ZFR: Can you suggest a theme so poor Joe knows what avatar to draw? I don't think he'll like to play otherwise. Last time I went themeless he just scribbled over my gold bars.
You didn't go themeless, you went ZFR-themed!

smash my name somewhere onto that list of players please catte
rtcvb32: Hmmm, with how slow the Secret Hitler game went, i'd have to say it doesn't really appeal to me. Also i don't know how Mafia is played.

Then again some years ago (2013-2014?) A year went by in a PbP game for D&D where 1 day went by in game.. Sooo... yeah...
You are always welcome to observe!
my name is vaughlte catte: a lot of stuff was said here
I don't know if I realistically should participate due to RL stuff, even though I want to. Put me down as an observer please, though I can take part if needed, I'm sure

GymHenson: :O :O :O :O
You are most generous, and i would love to be included! Thank you very much for the chance!
Post edited October 31, 2020 by Microfish_1
Not in for the GA, but thanks.
Thank you, I have no permission to lie, but thanks : )