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What are your favorite FREE and LEGAL
video streaming sites?
What about paid?

I've tried these:

Tubi TV - Movies, tv shows all free with commercials. No registration required.

Crackle - Movies, tv shows all free with commercials. (some original content). No registration required.

Youtube - Has a section with free movies.

Peacock - Movies, tv shows, requires registration and payment. Frequently glitchy. Doesn't work in Linux. No longer has a free option with commercials.

Popcorn flix - works well, but commercials are WAY too loud

Freevee - previously Freevee is owned by Amazon. I had to set up an Amazon account in order to use it, but it was free. Works well on Roku, but on the PC it seems to be part of Amazon Prime, but doesn't require payment unless you want to watch something that requires it, but a lot is still free. I didn't enter any payment info or personal info, just registered with an e-mail address and a name.

Roku Channel - Lots of free stuff. Some things require payment. No registration required unless you want to save your progress.

Crunchyroll - free with commercials or pay if you want to avoid commercials.

truli - (for family friendly and religous stuff) - I haven't tried this.

What other video streaming services are there?

I'm not very familiar with paid services.
Post edited December 11, 2023 by hudfreegamer
Crunchyroll and Animelab are both popular anime streaming services. Both can be used as free version (with ads animelab's case its ads about new anime or related products. they also have anime movies and some kdrama and japanese tv/movies -- both of these u have to be a paid member to watch)).Paid gives you dubs (not for me), ad free streaming, off line access etc...
Post edited September 30, 2020 by Niggles
low rated


IMDB TV via Amazon, no Amazon subscription required
Post edited February 22, 2022 by Jorev
EDIT: Ouch, this necro fooled me. Oh well, may as well leave my post.

I'm definitely not a fan of video streaming (or music or game streaming, for that matter) as it's literally predatory DRM masquerading as convenience, but I do still use them only because we're running out of options for visual media. More and more shows & movies just don't release physical or digital copies anymore.

So yeah, I use Netflix, Disney+, Discovery+, Hulu, with occasional forays into Tubi, Peacock, Pluto and Prime Video. Oh, and I was watching Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex on Adult Swim before I bought physical and digital copies of both seasons.
Post edited February 22, 2022 by JakobFel
low rated
I use Netflix, Disney+, Discovery+, and Hulu with occasional forays into Tubi, Peacock, and Pluto.
I used Facebook a couple times. Never again....
Post edited March 04, 2022 by KingofGnG
I know it's a reply to an old post and all, but...
Niggles: Paid gives you dubs
I find it flabbergasting that anyone would actually pay for worse versions. Every now and again I check out a dubbed version on Crunchyroll or Funimation out of morbid curiosity, and, my god, some of them are horrendously bad. Typically even the tolerable ones are of much lesser quality. Say no to dubs, embrace the subs!* ;)

*That said, even some of the subs could use a bit of work, as the more anime I've been watching I've been able to pick up on certain words, phrases, and mannerisms that sometimes get translated in a really odd way.
Post edited March 04, 2022 by Mr.Mumbles
Netflix is the only one I currently pay for. I tried Amazon Prime Video during my free trial of Prime, but couldn't find much I cared to watch.
Otherwise, Tubi and Pluto TV are the only other ones I really use. Pluto I only really watch "live" -- I tried the on-demand side of the site once, but it kept having to stop to buffer. Like, noticeably more than it usually does when I watch a "live" streaming program on the same site.

I subscribed to Hulu many years ago, but I haven't been back since dropping it. Ironically, they ditched their free option (which I used for years, and which was pretty decent for its time) well before most of these relative upstarts even existed.
I've got a Crackle account, but haven't watched anything there in years. I also tried out IMDb TV, both when it was actually on the IMDb site (it might've still been called IMDb Free then), and after it moved to the Amazon Video site.

I also use YouTube and Twitch, though obviously these are kind of in a different category than the above services. The only movie I've tried to watch in YouTube's official "free with ads" movie category turned out to be an edited-for-television version. So I just went and watched the uncensored version on Tubi, and haven't bothered with any of their other offerings since.
I guess I've also watched various stand-up comedy specials, episodes of classic Mystery Science Theater 3000, and RiffTrax VODs that were posted in full on various official YouTube channels.
The closest thing to professional non-"livestream" content that I've ever watched on Twitch is when there was something I felt like watching on the official RiffTrax, MST3K, or (rarely) Shout! Factory channels -- though even those I don't bother with too much since I started using Tubi (which has tons of stuff available from those companies) and, more recently, Pluto TV (which has both dedicated live channels and a selection of on-demand content from them, too).
Maryolive: [obvious copypasta from the immediately preceding post]
Say what you see, bot, say what you see...
Tubi and Pluto have proven amazing.

Funny you mention needing registration, as for the live portion, it seems not to require it, at least not on the app for Fire TV or Google TV.
for movies, the free ones and (legal) free content: Tubi, Peacock, Pluto. I guess Crackle or Veoh or others if I search a movie and it's only free on those sites.

Tubi is good for lots of horror movies. I don't like most "so bad they're good" horror movies (which make up the majority of Tubi's selection), especially those churned out in the past decade, but some of them do go over well with me, especially older or older-ish ones. Like Return of the Living Dead Necropolis or Rave to the Grave. (I'm sure nostalgia plays some role)

obviously YouTube too. I remember watching some movies cut up into 10 min sections back in the late 2000s on YT. (of course they were like 240-360p)
Post edited March 05, 2022 by tfishell
Are Tubi, Peacock and Pluto any good? (never used them before)
Mr.Mumbles: I know it's a reply to an old post and all, but...
Niggles: Paid gives you dubs
Mr.Mumbles: I find it flabbergasting that anyone would actually pay for worse versions. Every now and again I check out a dubbed version on Crunchyroll or Funimation out of morbid curiosity, and, my god, some of them are horrendously bad. Typically even the tolerable ones are of much lesser quality. Say no to dubs, embrace the subs!* ;)

*That said, even some of the subs could use a bit of work, as the more anime I've been watching I've been able to pick up on certain words, phrases, and mannerisms that sometimes get translated in a really odd way.
Funanimation merged with Animelab (basically a takeover) and now Crunchyroll and Funanimation is merging (looks like Crunchyroll is the main brand now)..Almost monopoly anime wise now sadly (damn Sony).
Fwiw some people are proud of their dubbing work...the professional ones...i dont find it that great - it always feel its more childish when i listen to dubs...
Post edited March 06, 2022 by Niggles
I have pretty much all of them, though to be fair we split it all with my wife's family so her parents and her sister pay for a lot of them. I think we pay for Amazon, Paramount and Disney. Her parents pay for HBO and Netflix, her sister for Hulu some others. It's a nice arraignment, I encourage everyone to do it now that there's a million of these things.

As for what's on them... I watch the new Star Trek and not much else. My wife watches a ton of hot garbage no one here would care about like food shows and romance reality shows. The last "real" show we watched together was Ozark, a decent but not amazing crime show, and Wandavision, which was interesting until it became normal superhero trash in the last episode or two.
I updated the original post to make it more accurate now.
Since the post got revived, youtube (which I'm trying to stop using due to de-google), crunchyroll (I actually pay for it, but considering stopping since it's a rental service at best), and twitch (although the owners of the site let grow some very annoying cultures and practices in there so avoiding it too)
We ditched YT, its intrusive ads, and heavy-handed censorship for rumble and There are, of course, the usual NSFW sites, purely for mental "relaxation."((--;))