Posted April 18, 2017
My old thread of guessing TV shows died and was archived a few years ago. Nothing else showed up since, but I think it could be fun to give it a second shot. I'm sure everyone has an idea of how it works from the other threads but, just in case, here it is:
The Rules:
1. One person posts a picture of a TV show and people try to guess which show it is.
2. There is only one riddle going on at any given time.
3. The winner is decided by who posted the picture. You can't claim yourself correct and go on from there.
4. Whoever guesses right must post the next riddle. You can't forfeit your turn. If you're not going to pull your weight in the game then don't play at all.
5. Only one guess per post. You should only post another guess after the last one has been deemed wrong by who posted the picture. No spamming answers.
6. Using image search is forbidden. It ruins the game for everyone.
I'll start with what I'm sure should be an easy guess to get the ball rolling.
The Rules:
1. One person posts a picture of a TV show and people try to guess which show it is.
2. There is only one riddle going on at any given time.
3. The winner is decided by who posted the picture. You can't claim yourself correct and go on from there.
4. Whoever guesses right must post the next riddle. You can't forfeit your turn. If you're not going to pull your weight in the game then don't play at all.
5. Only one guess per post. You should only post another guess after the last one has been deemed wrong by who posted the picture. No spamming answers.
6. Using image search is forbidden. It ruins the game for everyone.
I'll start with what I'm sure should be an easy guess to get the ball rolling.