Bookwyrm627: I tried that one recently, but my quick impression was that the keys were all over the place. Did you remap them somehow?
I don't think you can remap the keys. But once you get used to them they're pretty comfortable:
Arrow Keys: Movement (Go Left/Right, Climb Up/Down)
Ins / Ctrl: Switch to Other Players
F / SPACEBAR: 1. Erik Jumps
2. Baleog Strikes with Sword
3. Olaf Holds Shield Regularly or Over-Head (Hand-Glider)
D: 1. Erik Bashes things with Helmet (while Running)
2. Baleog Shoots Arrows
3. Olaf Holds Shield Regularly or Over-Head (Hand-Glider)
S: Push Buttons / Flip Switches / Talk / Activate Teleporter /
Activate Various Machines / Get Hints Near ? Icon
E: Use a Selected Inventory Item
Tab: Select an Inventory Item
Tab.. Then F: Select an Item and Give it to another Viking